What the postman brought today (Armorama)

Resin casting molds have a short life, you play a lottery, depending on which one you get, same with the components to add to it.

You can speak to them, and they will normally sent a replacement if a major issue with it.

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These just arrived from a LHS not too far from me. These are early birthday presents from my family. Unfortunately I will have to wait a few weeks to open them.

I have the 1/16 Andys hhq M4A3E8 on pre order through BNA, so it will be good to do a side by side comparison when it arrives.


You will be absolutely gobsmacked at how excellent the AHHQ M4A3E8 is.
The Jeep is also outstanding, it is only missing the lettering on the tires. Guess they couldn’t get by Firestone’s copyright. Hopefully DEF will do a correct set.

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A PiPz conversion, an RWS and some decals from PSM:


More ARV madness from the Czech Republic:


It will look beautiful in Sinai Sand.

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Was thinking of that or an NVA scheme.


I think it’ll look great either way. I’m just bias towards IDF armor. :smiley:


They were - sort of obviously - a component of the Nike and HAWK missile belts deployed throughout the whole length of what then composed the FRG. The exercises I was involved in at Army Group level (and 2nd Allied Tactical Air Force), always involved scenarios with these air defence assets. What I hadn’t appreciated at the time was that Nike had a nuclear warhead(!) I also seem to recall that the sites were carefully positioned due to the discarded first stages’ likelihood to cause serious damage (I’m sure the article referred to below mentions this).

As always, it was seriously interesting stuff to a JNCO aged 24!

So I’ve got a few new additions for my stash…. and bench toolbox

For my 1/35 motor pools I picked up these two at Modelzona…

And lastly I picked up some build supplies


$6 + $6 + $6 a devil of a good buy… :imp:


Does that mean my work bench is The Beast? :thinking:


…for the builds from hell…


You must be talking about those MiniArt T-55 builds… :stuck_out_tongue:

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Yes, that is… when the Bench Monster starts chomping on those bits. :smiling_imp:

Recently finished the Zvezda T90. Fairly straight forward build. Only real problem are the weak attachment points of the road wheels to the swing arms. They are very fragile and prone to breaking. Good luck.

Where are ya’ll finding these Zevda kits? All my usual Stateside suspects are out and I’m not willing to order from overseas.

I’ve been jonesing for a Zevda UAZ3909 van….

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Intercepted message from eBay, Latvia…

Disclaimer: I have no affiliation with the Borg or any other Non-federation ships.


Considering that shipping between Russia and most of the Western world is non-existent now, you probably have little option but to order overseas from a China based company or off of Ebay from China and some of the East European countries that don’t have embargos.

Now the UAZ3909 was actually one of the last kits that made it to distributors before the war started so they are around. I believe Wheels and Wings Hobbies in Toronto had some when I was there three weeks ago.

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@Tank_1812, You’re always finding the obscure kit makers out there and then I follow right along… happily