What the postman brought today (Armorama)

Arriving this morning was the latest kit from CSM, the Canadian Autocar.

Only had a quick look so far, but it looks really nice and should be a simple build.


Nice Stephen. The Armoured Autocar is a very interesting vehicle. Amazing that so many men had to fit in it.

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Yeah there’s not a lot of room inside it! I never realised how cramped the Lanchester was till I put it together. At least this one’s open, but I don’t think that was a good thing for the crews safety.
Trying to find some extra Vickers ammunition boxes to go in it at the minute. Not finding much.

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Heyyyy, I recognize that barrel! I hope you enjoy the Type 16 :)))

Pretty simple design Stephen. You could easily make some up from styrene:


Thanks Peter. Very helpful. I reckon I could knock together one getting the dimensions from the kits. Probably easier to make a couple and try my hand at some resin casting.

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A Sabot Publications book from Sprue Brothers.


Another Pz.Kpfw.IV kit, that will become a Bulgarian “Майбах”(“Maybach” was the official designation of Pz.Kpfw.IV variants in Bulgarian Royal Army):

With some modifications, the kit will build into Krupp’s Fgst.No.83692- a mid Ausf.G from the second delivery batch with Bulgarian registration number В 60254:



Question, any reason you got that kit over the Miniart Maybach kit?

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Thanks for your question, Ryan!

MiniArt’s “Bulgarian Maybach” is an early Ausf.H from Vomag’s production(June 1943).These vehicles were received in Bulgaria in July 1943(third delivery) and in September 1943(fourth and fifth delivery).
Here is one of them (picture from Craig Ellis “PzKpfw IV at the Front.Update No4”):

The vehicle I’ll build from Border’s kit is one of March 1943 Krupp production- it had the shorter L/43 barrel, smoke grenade launchers, lacked the Filzbagfilter and had no Schuerzen:

I’ll buy the MiniArt’s Bulgarian Maybach too, but will not use any of the marking options that come with the kit- they are correct for other Bulgarian Pz.IV’s but not for this vehicle, while the green crosses provided on decals are totally irrelevant for any Bulgarian WWII tank.



My first proper airbrush arrived. I tried a badger 350 with aircans about 30 years ago and couldnt make it work. Hoping for better results this time.



Nice bit of kit you’ve got there! You’ll have to let us know how you like it.

Awesome Angel!
I have the same kit and it looks like a VERY nice build.

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Angel, your knowledge is absolutely amazing :slight_smile:


@Armorsmith DV, it’s definitely on you that this arrived today from Sprue Brothers. :wink:

On serious note, Thank you for the heads up about the sale.


Hi Tom (great name BTW!), did you also get a compressor to pump the air through it? Makes all the difference! I used a Badger 350 and tinned wind for years, but every spray session was an exercise in foul language until I finally got a compressor.


Always good to save a few bucks. That was a quick delivery. :grin: :grin:

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I did although that was a few weeks ago.


That’s a pretty sharp piece of kit! (Can’t remember mine looking so shiny & new…)

Its a huge step up from cans but it removes all excuses lol, only the monkey behind the brush to blame now. Let practice commence.

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