What the postman brought today (Armorama)

No clue. At least 1 possbly 2 depending on how burned out I am after the 1st one. They are tedious builds so I will need a Tamiya build to relax.

Hey, instead of a Tamiya kit how about something by MiniArt or Bronco?

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For the hobby room, model shows & club meetings via Sofielein.


Did you see her colab videos with The Chieftain at the American Heritage Museum? Best colab videos ever. There were great together :slight_smile:


@McRunty yes they rock!

Yesss those were great!
I almost fell out of my chair laughing when she said “I like my tanks as I like my milkshakes, THIIIICC!” That was probably the only time I’ve ever seen an Irishman speechless. :rofl:

I must say I am the proud owner of both Chieftain and Sofielein shirts!

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Doo-dads from Russia :ru: via Russian Island for T-34’s, KV-1 model display bases etc.


They have had a lot of shirts I would love to have bought. Them and Military History Visualized. Unfortunately their stores only go up to a 2XL. That will not work for me. I need like a 3XLT or else they are too short. I am…not short :stuck_out_tongue:

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Busy postman today…

Out of production for like 20 years and resupply shipment for at least eighteen armor projects of various flavors!

Totally Stoked to Paint, paint and paint some more!


‘Antique’ in more ways than the label colour name.

Never had Floquil paints readily available here in Australia, so I guess it is a case of you don’t know what you are missing if you never had it. Glad you have been able to stoke the ‘inner happy’ there Wade.

@petbat Peter, my friend Floquil is like a correctly brewed beer…for the airbrush :slight_smile:

Yes, my inner child is as happy as Christmas & Birthday all rolled into one :slight_smile:

Indeed Antique Bronze is almost an ironic name :slight_smile: I had about 1/4 Oz of Antique Bronze left. My bottle was from the 1970’s :slight_smile: Note the other bottle of just merely Bronze on the left - it’s from the 1990’s not old enough to be Antique yet (pun intended).

In my opinion, Antique Bronze is magic :tophat: in a bottle. To steal a Star Trek analogy it’s dilithium crystals, anti-matter & wrap drive all rolled up and put in a paint bottle.

Floquil Antique Bronze & Rust on grayed white metal. I tested a new burnish chemical and it merely grayed the white metal.

Big disappointment? No

My ally is Floquil Antique Bronze and a powerful ally it is.

Blacken-It chemically burnished white metal Fruils below.

The Antique Bronze & its friends can just about pull that off on a set of rubber band or plastic tracks as well
…and its easy enough even I can do it successfully :relieved:


Whats the average going rate for Floquil and Aeromaster these days?


Internet vendor,
Less popular Aeromaster (Floquil) $10 a bottle, popular $14

Typical Floquil Military $12 to $14

Floquil RailRoad $14 to $18

Floquil RailRoad Weathered Black $25 to $45

Half or so from individuals

Interesting stuff, you’ve got there, Wade. Are they original? And can you tell us about the meaning of them? I’m not very familiar with soviet orders. The top are Guards Banner if I’m correct …


I’ve very much a beginner with Soviet era insignia.

The top one is for the 2nd Guards Tank Army

The second one is a Soviet CCCP Red Star Lapel Pin Badge

I’m not sure what the 2rd item is…it was included as bonus thank you for placing an ordered.

I like adding a splash of red to contrast a with a Soviet AFV. Likewise something appropriate with British, German, American AFV’s

Note the first time, I did this I placed the point of the Star wrong on the T-72. At the IPMS Nationals a US DOD Russian translator approached. He explained he really like the model except there was one little issue the point of the sickel was in the wrong place.

So I fixed :slight_smile:


I screwed up…I’ve been selling my bottles for $1 a bottle. Time to raise prices.

@Blucop ,Let’s talk, if you have unopened Floquil for sale maybe we can work something out.

Not today, but over the course of last week. Only one piece of actual armor here, although I grabbed the Hobby Boss PzKpfw IV Ausf B yesterday so now I have each Ausf model, mid- and late-Brummbar, Stug IV L/48, each type of Jagdpanzer IV, Nashorn, Hummel and its munitions variant, each flakwagen, Dicker Max, Sturer Emil, Heuschrecke 10, bridgelayer, the Karl-Gerat munitionswagen, a bergepanzer, and the leFH 18/40 on the III/IV chassis.

The 1/350 Falcon is to put alongside my 1/350 TOS Starship Enterprise for size comparison; I also have the 1/72 PG kit. My wife got me the Space:1999 Hawk kit last Christmas which requires the Eagle to be purchased. Pretty sure I will be getting the cockpit and pod bay enhancements for the Discovery. At 41" that will be my longest model, beating out the Italeri S-100 and Dragon Leopold railgun.

Just need an Ausf A and Ausf C to complete my Pz III run.


Oh, yes: I also ordered the Zvezda 1/2700 Imperial Star Destroyer kit and should see it in early June coming out of Russia. Same guy has some crazy good prices on ICM 1/32 early WWII aircraft even with shipping so I will be visiting his site again soon. I can’t pay my local HobbyTown $90 for the I-153 Chaika when he only wants $43 plus a month of my time.

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That’s awesome! Especially, the Space 1999 Eagle & Hawk kits. Who makes those?

Likewise, the 2001 Discovery is Epic!