What the postman brought today (Armorama)

Those are both MPC kits. I know MPC has a sketchy reputation for scale and quality but neither of the kits I have seem to be the same moldings I remember as a teen, so I guess they may have been revisited. Regardless of whether or not they are actually 1/72, they look like they can build up into decent enough representations of the show vehicles and there is AM for both should I decide to make them pretty. I actually feel more compelled to get AM for spaceships because of the lighting aspects and also people are more likely to know what the Battlestar Galactica should look like as opposed to the battleship Yamato.

PS - I was tempted to downsize the Discovery to the 1/350 kit as I didn’t think my wife would pick one of my pricier wants, but I am so glad I didn’t. Having seen more pics of the smaller one since then I would not have been happy. I am the same way about the Star Trek kits as I prefer the 1/1000 over the 1/2500, but at the moment I can’t get all the Enterprises in 1/1000 which makes it hard to display the whole range. There is a set of each version at 1/2500 but the detail is a bit blurgh on a few of them.

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@brekinapez , thank you for the info on the MPC kits

A couple of WW1 figure sets marched through the door.

Thinking of using the Masterbox set to go with the CSM Autocar for the Canadian campaign. Probably have to do a bit of research to look into any differences between the uniforms, but I think they should be ok oob. Have plenty of Ross rifles from ICM sets to swap out, if indeed they were still used by the majority of Canadian troops in 1918. I understand it was a finicky rifle and not as well suited to combat as the Enfield.
Research is all part of the fun of building this time period I’m finding!


C&Rsenal on the Ross Mk.III Rifle

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Thanks @Gary_Kato Will be watching that a little later tonight.
A huge help.

My current Russian kick continues. 2 very nice Ebay auction wins later…

I have built the Trumpeter KV-1 before so I know this will be a good kit. This will be my first Zvezda model. Looks to be pretty good as well. Parts are crisp and clean.


Would be interested in your thoughts on the KV-2 when you build it. I have a Trumpeter Kv-1 in my stash that looks really nice and I’ve considered grabbing the Kv-2

Not Rory but I built back in 2013. The only thing that it needed to be replaced was the intakes. I brought a package deal with the Lion Roar set, Neil Stokes liked the Eduard TP089 better for the replacement. His thoughts on the kit.


Cool, I’ll take a look, that’s all I upgraded on the Kv-1 as well, added PE screens for the intakes

Thanks, that answered a lot of questions. For the time period I’m doing they’d replaced them with the Enfield. Can’t say I blame them, the Ross seemed more trouble than it was worth.

Looks like a nice little kit at first glance…


H/T pics and negatives


Not super exciting, but going to use this for my Dieppe build and other Churchill’s I plan on building later


Great choice. It is a very good book.

It seems very comprehensive and has some great pictures and diagrams. Unfortunately it lacks many pictures of the Dieppe raid which is the tank I will be building shortly. But I plan on doing a MK VII, Black Prince and possibly Churchill GC at some point.

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I’d suggest finding a copy of the Illustrated History of the RCAC for some churchill photos! If you want, I can take pictures of the tanks from Dieppe from my copy for you.


That would be appreciated

Leopards on my mind! Books from Aberdeen Books.


Hey at least it isn’t cougars you got on your mind!

Nice collection of books! Love all things leopard

Got some tiny victims for the Maus build. AB Figures winter crew, via Eureka Miniatures.


This just reminded me to order the B-4 Howtizer book from Aberdeen, thanks for joggin the memory. Didn’t want that one to slip away