What the postman brought today (Armorama)

This may or may not become my Summer Nostalgia campaign entry…

The M41 has long been one of my favorite tanks and as a kid, the Tamiya M41 was high on my want list. It just never happened. Nowadays, AFV Club M41s are far superior but I felt this was more in the spirit of the campaign and purchased it for that purpose. The plastic tracks hitched a ride because vinyl is the Devil. If I pick up the Eduard photo etch set for this, my journey to the dark side will be complete.


I like the kit, one of my endless shelf kits. I used the Archer welds and the AFV kit photos online for placement and other details.


Logistics & Resupply is critical stash maintenance. Today the supply train arrived!

New aluminum sanding stick tool :wrench:from DSPIAE :sunglasses:

Spiffy new T55 kit from RFM plus other RFM goodies for other projects.


Let me know about your experiences with the DSPIAE file. I’m interested in buying one. Got a lot of stuff from DSPIAE. Good stuff!


Will do.

They do make outstanding tools

I have a pair of Meng nippers by DSPIAE that I like just as well as my GodHand and Zoukei-Mura’s.


Got it too, the 2.0 version. 3.0 is out.
Also the tweezers are great and I use their sanding paper.


I had this one arrive from Casemate Publishers for me to review.


Still waiting for shelby foote’s civil war books, more then 3 weeks now. Not many orders take that long time, I hope they arrive next week


A visit to Gibraltar gives a new home for this book:



As promised… Comparison time.

Now this is purely my view on it, don’t take it as gospel please.

I am using my Cr2 Nomad as a scale base and throughout I will have what I usually use as clansman antennas, florist silver wire .32mm placed next to the various guitar string sizes

First size 10.

To me, it’s to small. Should have lots of other uses and even other types of antenna

Next . Size 13

For me, this is right Clansman size, and almost exactly the same as the florist wire I use.

Next, size 17.

This for me is Bowman size antenna

Next, size 26

From this size up, the string/wire now has a braided feel which you can just make out. The smaller sizes were all smooth.
This to me is a good start for brake lines, cabelling etc

Next size 36.

Now we are getting thicker and it puts up more of a fight to snip it. Again, braided. Now in the realms of heavy braided cable/piping or small ducting.

Next size 46.

A lot thicker, and still braided. Very heavy braided cables/piping or ducting.

Hope this is helpful to those thinking about using it…lots of possibilities so glad I got it :+1:


Now my news of the night and it’s a massive one for me …

I have broken my no1 spending rule. It’s a one off, but Colin @Catsrcool gave me a heads-up about it…

I have just pulled the trigger on this !!!


It was reduced and I luckily convinced SWMBO that I would love it for birthday present in August…which she agreed to … She’s a keeper lol

Once it arrives I am only allowed to check the contents and then she has it until birthday time …:+1::+1:


Oh, that’s going to take some building. Then you will see what needs improving, and then the lunacy starts and you won’t be able to stop! That’s going to be huge when finished.

In regard to the guitar wire, I tend to agree with No13 for Clansman antennas. is it springy or will it stay bent if you catch it?

Oh and before I forget you asked about the add on armour for the Warrior kit. Below is the sprue showing the side armour at the top and in the centre the front armour pieces. Without that it builds into a standard Warrior.


Oh no, don’t tell me you got Zoukei Matsu, you mean the brushes??
I could order one nylon type brush in Belgium lately.
It is a GREAT brush, we can hardly buy them here :cry:

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Thanks for the sprue shot @Maximus8425 … Still not sure which to get…that academy one does seem to have some issues…

The guitar wire/string has a natural spring in it, so I am pretty sure it will not bend, unlike the florist wire I use…

The Scammell looks like it will be big. I looked through the destructions on scalemates and looks like a lot to do…
And if you hadn’t guessed, it will be carrying a … Cr2 probably, although I have seen them in UN white livery…

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No brushes. These Zoukei-Mura Pro-Zetzu Precision Nipper it’s an outstanding nipper. Can reach spots the GodHand’s struggle with or can’t reach.


Ah, ok. Such a shame our hobby suffers from so much custom payements nowadays.
Ikm very happy with my DSPIAE nipper

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Great material to use for scale modeling. I’ve used guitar string for outrigger stabilizer feet adjustment screws.



Very versatile…I wouldn’t of thought of that use for it :+1:


Actually a lot of issues John, especially with the add on armour. Even their second attempt at it has a lot of issues.

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What a result!
If you want to se one being built have a look at this YouTube guy:

He is going to make the front wheels move to a non fore-aft position.
There also is a Faceache group dedicated to Scammell in scale: