What the postman brought today (Armorama)

The 1960s called, they want their product packaging back.


Just beautiful … :star_struck: :beer:


Not actually in my hands yet, it was delivered to my step daughters by mistake.

So a screen shot from online will have to suffice until I go and collect it next week.

I have it on good authority its a pretty nice kit and have some access to great walkarounds of it.

Will be doing this one now for the “Drop short” :grin: group build coming up …


Stupid Apple autocorrect that I missed before posting. Apple iOS autocorrect loves to change words on me. It was supposed to say Airfix, not Airfoil… I went back and fixed it…


I was confused about "airfoil":joy:
I always liked catalogues and do still. I remember as most the airfix and ESCI catalogues


That should be a nice build Johnny. I’m close to putting some paint on the Meng AMX-13 which has been lovely to build, although not sorted the tracks yet!


Yeah. I am looking forward to it. Something a bit different. Are you still doing your stints at Bovvi ?

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I was looking at that “airfoil”, debating with myself if I should edit it or not.
I finally decided not to, in case there was some inside joke I didn’t understand.

I have blocked all the autocorrect features on my computer and phone,
they just made typing difficult …


Yes John, still doing bovvi stints. Will be on duty for one of the Tankfest days, Friday, then visiting as a “customer” on the Sunday. Am also still doing modelling lessons for one of the nearby schools, although have missed today’s as I’m in Brittany till tomorrow.


I should really try and do a tank fest…luckily I can get in on my ID card which is a bonus for visiting…

When you are there next and if you get a chance, could you try and do me a fav ? I really need to get some decent close up images of the actual mount points for the boz plates onto the mount arms for Cr1. Front, side and above if possible… I think I will be scratch building them when I redo my Cr1 42 wagon soon as I want to show it with a few plates removed … (This is by no means a rush job , just if you get a chance and can maybe sweet-talk one of the maint team as I imagine all the plates are kept fitted on the Challeys up there, or they were last time I visited…


Are you going to do it as UN or camouflaged?

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Im leaning towards UN. I liked the look of your CVRT you did from Bosnia … more of a standout colour …


I’ve been thinking about how to replicate ducted wiring and this might be the way!


yes, they look so unconventional in white. I like stark contrasts on my kits. It is such a top heavy wagon though, I’d not feel safe rolling around in this.

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I’ll see what I can do John. I’m there next Friday so can confirm whether any plates have been left off. I’m certain they are fitted on the museum example on display, so getting one removed may be a challenge!


Cheers Terry, any help is appreciated mate :+1:


I was thinking that as Peter replied…
Yes, you could easily use it for ducting or braided lines…

This is the 46 size.

And the 36.

They look good to me :+1:


They look like brake lines on some wheeled vehicles. I’ll be interested to see which size best replicates antennas.

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I’m erring towards 13 for Clansman at the moment…maybe 15(if they do one) or 17 for Bowman, will check out the sizes I had over the weekend.

I think the 46 is to big for brake lines, I will scale shot it tomorrow against something. The 36 would be good for brakes, or even the 26