What the postman brought today (Armorama)

Yes, the crisply molded thin Cavalier is definitely my preference between the two.

The D sheet will go in a raffle to get rid of it. No more being lazy, it’s liquid cement & molak zimmerit after using what’s on hand.

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Some light reading for my Pershing build:


In the continuing effort to collect what I feel is necessary when I start my Ferret build I had these delivered today. Heavy hobby wingnuts, there are two sprues of .7mm and 1mm wingnuts. I’ll never have to buy wingnuts again in my lifetime I imagine. They come sealed in a foil pack, packed in a plastic box with foam packing around them. Really fine printing that looks the part.


It arrived just in time.

Now to wait for the extra parts for the interior from the TUSK I/II kit.


Oh well Brian, just think of all the planning and pre provisioning, you can now be doing for the 2024 build season! :grin:


Emphasis on the “light” or perhaps “very very bright”! :face_with_raised_eyebrow:


I have not used that ATAK stuff, but it looks a close second to Cavalier (which is definitely missed) ?


You got a link for those mate ?? They look the business.


The ATAK stuff is great. A little thin at times, but definitely among the best.


Got this delivered today!

I’ll see how it compares to the one I scratch-built a year ago…


Got them from KitUK on Ebay. They are showing now as sold out but I imagine they will get more. There is another set, however they have holes in the wings.


They are listed as in stock at Hobby Easy Hong Kong @ GBP 4.11:

Not sure on your postage costs.

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What happened to Hobby Easy’s postage costs? I was looking at ordering a kit at a really good price. One kit (a dragon 1/35 tiger). Shipping to the US $66…

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:flushed: :flushed: :flushed: :scream:

I know world wide shipping has gone crazy, but wow… what kit did you look at?

A Takom Weasel is only AUD $18.56 (USD $12.35 )

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It is something about Hobby Easy shipping to the US I think…

I tried with a kit in stock, dragon 6950 and the shipping was around $60 either air method. I guess I could put it on a boat for $18. But I used to be able to order air parcels from HE for around that…


Awesome! I’ve got one in the stash to do my M-1 from the 80s in Germany. Waiting on a more accurate 3d 105mm gun to be created by a member of this site. Tracks definitely need to be replaced.


Phil, this happened about 2 years ago. During the world wide shipping backlog due to Covid (blame everything wrong today on Covid). The shipping prices tripled across the board. I’m a 25 year HobbyEasy regular customer and it used to be great to get a kit for 50% off the US retail price and ship it for $20 and still come out under the US LHS price, but no more. You can’t even justify the shipping by ordering more kits, because they go by weight, and the shipping price just goes way up. If you ship by “Small Air Packet” to get it in 10 days, you’re going to pay the price of the kit in shipping. It’s horrendous. Absolutely indefensible highway robbery. The only sensible solution ordering from HobbyEasy is to pick surface shipping, pay $20, and build something else in the 3 months it takes to get to you. This is also true of any of the Hong Kong or Japan shops you order from so there’s no cheap fix.


This is not exactly correct, Lucky Model a Hong Kong company has a US warehouse (elsewhere around the world too). You can get decent price and select for the US, UPS as delivery option for a normal local shipping charge.


This came this week. Just not sure when I will start this big kit.


I wasn’t aware of that Ryan. Thank you!

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