That’s what I also complained about, but no one seems to care. They are just ignoring their spelling fault, because they think they sound cool using a foreign language word combined with English.
The word “Panzer” is singular and plural. So it’s
1 Panzer, 2 Panzer, 3 Panzer, etc.
Or in English
1 tank, 2 tanks, 3 tanks, etc.
See the difference?
But on the other hand many people (mostly young ones) use english words in their native language and sometimes don’t really know the meaning of it.
So the spelling fault is on both sides …
Some tools of the trade … A nice little set of mini needle files.
A few are doubled up, the flat X2 types, circular and half circle … 13 altogether and a decent wire brush for cleaning them… 9.90 from Mr Bezos site… Cheap and cheerful but they look ok.
I have a few needle files, they don’t get used often but when they do typically they’re the only thing that will do the job without too much fannying about. I received my first ever Friul tracks today, they’re for my Warrior as the kit tracks are woeful.
Well sir I have been sucesfully doing spelling errors for 40 years now in all four languages I speak, including the native one. Was it Germanish or Germanisch now ?
Pirate flags? How interesting! What are you going to do with those?
A really big F-14!
Haven’t decided on that. Being a pirate state seemed like a thing to do. Live and work with many purple and gold folks.
Maybe my new ICM M1097 with a Carolina squat and a pirate flag.
Our TOW Company had pirate flags on the antennas of all the vehicles. Since we were an autonomous search - and - destroy, it seemed wildly appropriate.
Logistical Control routed packages to “AB-ModelWerks - South (mom’s house)” to delay “customs & tariffs agent” at “AB-MW - North (wife’s house)”.
I think this completed my wanted Modern AFV kit list.
Well this is interesting Wade. Your wife putting a limit on your stash, too?
Yes, I understand. I also make writing or speaking errors in my own native language, which is german.
If you make spelling mistakes in a foreign language, no one will blame you for that, because you probably speak their language better than they speak yours. It’s the same with the words you pick up on holiday and try to use them. I’m in Denmark at the moment, so I try to use some of the words I pick up here and the people are happy.
But these book people make money with what they do. So they should be very carefull with what they write and check and double check again their spelling. Why don’t they just write “War Booty Tanks” and everybody will understand it.
I wonder with all the T-34 the Finnish Army captured and used, would these book people also use the finnish word for “War Booty Tanks” if they write a book about it? And would the people understand it?
Matt, yes.
With ~ 20 display spots left on the shelves in the hobbyroom, she thinks the ~300 kit stash is excessive because kits recently overflowed into living room.
Jesse cat made a show of it…resulting in a ceasefire for me buying more model kits.
Two ship kits & two AFV’s were in transit before the ceasefire and beat armistice.
Letting the stash out where it can be seen (and counted!) is a truly risky move! Good luck with the peace negotiations…
As for language, I’m proud to be almost fluent in one, but hopeless in any others.
Oh when kits start taking up seat room in the living spaces, that’s the kiss of death.
Yeah, I’m in the same boat.
I’ve got a “trade” agreement with Ryan to swap old kits for new kits ( I send him the money and an old kit ) so SWMBO can’t complain about the stash size. But even better, the guy in my club that hosts build days has agreed to let me ship kits to his house. When I come home from a build day, the new kit goes directly from the garage into the basement stash. Completely bypassing the wife. Of course, I’m out of room in the basement, so I’ll be limiting acquisitions to just a few kits a year from now on. The upcoming M10 Booker and WC-54 ambulance are two must haves that will do it for the year.
Matt, that’s a beautiful plan with good logistics! That’s seriously sweet having a build day with friends! Being space limited is pretty annoying but as @barkingdigger Tom mentioned it’s best for kits to be out of sight as much as possible.
Looking forward to your opinion of the Magic Factory M10 Booker kit! I missed curfew on it. That and a Tamiya Pz I sometime next year, otherwise no wants.
On the brightside Jessie found a new place to sit…
Think maybe I could stuff a M10 Booker in that cabinet by the plates ?
If I had to guess, because the English word “booty” has a slightly different meaning than German “Beute” (or Dutch “buit”), more “plundered” than “captured”. But Captured Tanks in German Service would be a perfectly good English title for that book, IMHO. Better than Beutepanzers etc., at any rate.
Sotasaaliita T-34 Tanks … probably not a likely title for an English-language book, no
Adding to the confusion…Booty per American English…
Man how can women get deformed like that? Be normal from the waist up and have an ass the size of Cleveland?
This is my idea of nice booty -
I believe it’s known as steatopygia, or can be; initially limited to ahem, certain geographical locations. How and why it’s taken hold in the western world I have: a) No idea, and b) No wish to investigate further(!)