What the postman brought today (Modelgeek)

Kenner did kits from Star Wars? I only remember the collectors figures. My younger brother and I had all of them. Unfortuntaly, the weapons disappeared in time. I was eight when I saw Episode IV in theater. Oh Happy Days!


I have been wanting one of these Outback Avenger white metal figures from Andrea Miniatures to add to my Mad Max/Road Warrior collection for a long time. I finally found one and it arrived today.


I think you got cheated on this deal Harv. Where is the dog? :laughing:


This fine clear cockpit arrived today , with some parts more in the box … that will become a nice whatif construction I think !
And the engine would fit nice on the back of a wheeled ground vehicle .


This arrived today , from an age far ago, produced behind the iron curtain .
It is so ugly , that will give a proper steampunk model with some modifications .
I have slaughtered the same last year , many parts of the first left for the project ,
they are very cheap to find second hand ( in east germany only ) .


Not from the postman, but a discount in my LHS (15€ instead of 25€)


Not the Postman, but i catched this two kits from a friend . The Mig is from 1988 , and the TU 2 is from east Germany , also between 86-88 i think .


That does seem to be the original version, there does appear to have been some upgrading as the moulds passed through various hands. It’s still around, currently from Kovozavody Prostejov and there are now different combinations of parts in the boxings for the French and Czech versions. Hannants have both, and also the earlier SMER boxings, a bit cheaper but possibly without the later improvements. Heller did the MB-210, essentially the same but with retractable main wheels, and the MB-200’s ugly sister (!!!) the Amiot 143, still available in the SMER boxing. I suppose if you’re going steampunk/fantasy it’s logical to start with something that looks like it was built by Goblins off their heads on cough syrup; inter-war French stuff is close enough…
I am occasionally possessed by an urge to build something inspired by “Porco Rosso” and contemplated putting a MB-200 (or the Amiot, but then I found that this had actually been done) on floats as an Air Pirates machine, but then I remembered I had an old Matchbox Supermarine “Whistling Sh1thouse” Stranraer, or even a HP Heyford conversion. I thought the insanity had passed, but then I found a Frog Blackburn Shark in the depths of the stash…



Yes , i think that is the way to go, air pirates are one good idea that i can share . It needs weapons and bigger engines !

Here is the landing gear of the first kit , used today in another whatif project …


That’s a real beauty in imagination Gerrit, and really liking the burnished metal look of the paint job, :+1: :slightly_smiling_face:.

G, :beer:


That would work - maybe…

North American Eagle:
How it started:

What they made of it:

How it ended up:

Jessi Combs set a Woman’s Absolute Land Speed Record on a fatal run in the wrong place. To quote the car’s builder, the late Ed Shadle,
“The Alvord Desert in Oregon where we’ve done our testing is only around nine miles long, and when you’re pushing up into the 500s and 600s and beyond, that’s not long enough for the margin for error. It takes more than three miles just to stop at these rates of speed.”




I was at Edward AFB the year these guys brought that jet car there to make it into Guinness book of world records and met the whole team took some photos. Man that was years ago. I never followed up on what happened. Sounds like a tragic end to a legendary journey. I will have yo look into this more. Thanks for posting.


Had never known of that team’s attempt at the record. A real shame it ended so tragically.

Keeping on the theme of the land speed record, what has happened to Bloodhound? I remember a test run that went to about 630, but they didn’t push it all the way. Maybe with no serious challenger from the US the funding has dried up?


Nice old kit from 1978 , and it got two figures included AND a single jet engine which can be perfect used in another whatif project


Had these two arrive from Squadron Mail Order.

Brass barrels for my Squadron Models Haunebu II German Flying Saucer.

And this one just because of the box art.


The Zoukei-mura Shinden kits are much more gonzo for detail, even OOB, but I’ll give you points for incomparable box art.


That is the main reason I bought it. My son has an extensive Godzilla collection and when I saw this, I wanted to get it for him. :slight_smile:


I got one of these Outback Avenger white metal figures from Andrea Miniatures to add to my Mad Max/Road Warrior collection back in January. And since two is better than one, I found another one, so I ordered it as well and it arrived.

“The Road Warrior” is one of my all-time favorite movies. :slight_smile:


Latest Hobby Lobby 40% off haul.


Mine hasn’t gotten any in stock but I already have one so not sweating it yet.