What the postman brought today (Modelgeek)

Well Doug I’ll try to give a decent reply to your thoughtful post. I think in part CG has diminished the “modern” starship. Back in the day they were physical objects with texture and depth. Ships also seemed to be characters too - especially the Enterprise. The modern era 3D renders onscreen lack an organic feel, for the most part.

Maybe some is nostalgic from our early days too. I admit to being little underwhelmed with recent sci-fi stuff.


I know what you mean about underwhelming. There’s a few shows that get hyped up I’ve really struggled with. One in particular I felt could put me into a coma if I tried watching a few more episodes.

I have however, loved Strange New Worlds. Feels like old Star Trek and the new Enterprise is gorgeous. It looks enough like the original, but with little bits of the NX-01, refit and even Excelsior-class. It’s had some great stories. I liked the end of series-1 alternative reboot of the TOS episode ‘Balance of Terror’.
And one I’ve recently gotten into and loving every second is The Orville. I hesitate to call it a spoof, but prefer to think of it as ‘not taking itself seriously’. Much like Red Dwarf, it works because the sci-fi is very good sci-fi, with gags thrown in. And look out for guest stars from TNG, Voyager and Enterprise. I’d recommend anyone to give it a try.


I’ve heard good things about the Orville, but haven’t checked it out.


Give it a try. I’d say watch a couple of episodes and see how you like it. It’s got that feel of Star Trek positivity, unlike the slightly depressing dystopia I get from others. I much preferred it over Lower Decks, which I just find silly and the characters annoying.
From a modelling perspective, I do like the design of the Orville and other ships. Would be great to see some kits, but it’s likely the domain of 3D printing.


Scott Grimes “Gordon” on The Orville played a friend of Wesley Crusher in the third season episode of TNG “Evolution”.


I kept thinking he looked familiar, but it wasn’t TNG I was thinking of. Wasn’t till my partner was googling the cast we realised he’d been in Band of Brothers.
Must look up that episode of TNG.

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I’m really behind the times. I just found this. I really want to HAL 9000!


Last year A friend of mine and I watched all 10 of the Star Trek movies*. We knocked him out over the course of about 3 weeks. I had never seen any of the new “Tiny Toon” Star Trek because my knee jerk reaction is that they are silly. I’m not 100% on them yet but I like them a lot more than I ever thought I would.


This is a great kit. I built this not too long ago. I really enjoyed this one.


:star_struck: Whoa, very nice indeed!

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This is today’s arrival


What do you want to do with that interesting ship ?

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I am considering trying my hand at adding lighting. Never done it before.


Today’s arrival


There are a lot of affordable LED kits out there in art supply and craft shops. I found a couple in a Dollar Tree.

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@TimM63 I’m sure you’ll have something your side of the pond but this side we have a webstore that does kits or individual parts.

As an example: