Well Doug I’ll try to give a decent reply to your thoughtful post. I think in part CG has diminished the “modern” starship. Back in the day they were physical objects with texture and depth. Ships also seemed to be characters too - especially the Enterprise. The modern era 3D renders onscreen lack an organic feel, for the most part.
Maybe some is nostalgic from our early days too. I admit to being little underwhelmed with recent sci-fi stuff.
I know what you mean about underwhelming. There’s a few shows that get hyped up I’ve really struggled with. One in particular I felt could put me into a coma if I tried watching a few more episodes.
I have however, loved Strange New Worlds. Feels like old Star Trek and the new Enterprise is gorgeous. It looks enough like the original, but with little bits of the NX-01, refit and even Excelsior-class. It’s had some great stories. I liked the end of series-1 alternative reboot of the TOS episode ‘Balance of Terror’.
And one I’ve recently gotten into and loving every second is The Orville. I hesitate to call it a spoof, but prefer to think of it as ‘not taking itself seriously’. Much like Red Dwarf, it works because the sci-fi is very good sci-fi, with gags thrown in. And look out for guest stars from TNG, Voyager and Enterprise. I’d recommend anyone to give it a try.
Give it a try. I’d say watch a couple of episodes and see how you like it. It’s got that feel of Star Trek positivity, unlike the slightly depressing dystopia I get from others. I much preferred it over Lower Decks, which I just find silly and the characters annoying.
From a modelling perspective, I do like the design of the Orville and other ships. Would be great to see some kits, but it’s likely the domain of 3D printing.
I kept thinking he looked familiar, but it wasn’t TNG I was thinking of. Wasn’t till my partner was googling the cast we realised he’d been in Band of Brothers.
Must look up that episode of TNG.
Last year A friend of mine and I watched all 10 of the Star Trek movies*. We knocked him out over the course of about 3 weeks. I had never seen any of the new “Tiny Toon” Star Trek because my knee jerk reaction is that they are silly. I’m not 100% on them yet but I like them a lot more than I ever thought I would.