Winter Wonderland

You come to the rescue once more. Thanks.


Hi everyone,
Contrary to what I had planned, I would like to start this GB with this ICM kit:

by Rodolfo Masti, on Flickr

to make this FW-189A-2 -
2.(Heeres)/31. Rostov-on-Don, January 1943.

by Rodolfo Masti, on Flickr

A quick look inside the box:

by Rodolfo Masti, on Flickr

by Rodolfo Masti, on Flickr

by Rodolfo Masti, on Flickr


More progress on the Panzer.

Added the hangers for the “Schürzen” skirts, but won’t add them. Imagine that the Winterketten tracks were added, so the skirts were removed.


Other than the tracks, painting and weathering; this build is almost done.


Off to the paint booth next…


Added the majority of the storage…a mix of Black Dog and Value Gear…most pictures of Pershing show the field modification of the ammo boxes on the hull side, they went through so much machine gun ammo…earlier in the war the tanks were running out of ammo.


The ammorack is a nice addition.
Looking forward to colours!

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So while the putty on the Big plane in the Big plane campaign is drying I could put something small together right ? So what about a Panzerspahwagen 203 in winter camo ?


Nice choice, Jacob. No need to mask the tires when applying the winter white wash :wink:

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I’m leaning on entering this campaign as I am finishing my 1/24 Post-Apocalyptic figure.

I intend to enter a figure in a snow setting although I haven’t determined the scale or which figure to take from my stash yet.

If I have the time, I’ll take a photo of a 1/20 Sci-Fi figure that I completed in a snowy setting already. It was fun to build and my first figure in a snow setting.

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By all means, do.

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Got both of the Merkava’s nearly finished, they look really like twins, if I hadn’t used the PE there would hardly have been any difference…


@RonW can you elaborate on your technique here? I’d planned to do the airbrush technique (which I like much better aesthetically) but this looks very intriguing.

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I mimic-ed the way a crew would apply a whitewash with brooms and large brushes by using (Andrea) white straight from bottle, dipping a stiff brush in it, whiping off the excess and brushing it on with short strokes. I envisioned the position/stance of the crewmember and worked my way from there. What would he reach, how would he move?
Oh and I forgot to mention a drybrush in the basic colour to tone down the white a bit.


Update on the Panzerspahwagen. So far nothing spectacular as im working on this only as a sideproject right now, the main focus is on the Big plane campaign ending inlate January


I dont like rubber wheels. I dont like resin wheels even more, if they are the ONLY wheels in the kit.


I would like to join in with this if I could. The wheeled undercarriage is also included in the box so I am going to use that and a marking option from a Foxbot decal sheet I have.


Is the skid assembly to fragile?

No, the skis appear rather sturdy, but I have an alternative scheme on an aftermarket decal sheet that is in my opinion more interesting. Very few aircraft were actually fitted with the skis, on a packed snow surface the wheels were just as effective.


Made some painting progress on the stowage…still need to do the straps…and realized I forgot to get rid of the seam from the two turrent halves. :person_facepalming:

And started on the Marine infantry…waiting for the tank crew to arrive in the mail.