WIP New Miniart 1/35 PaK40 early

Are these all the same gun?

Yes the B&W photos are all the same gun. But in the earlier color photos only the one being pulled by the Blitz is the same. The color photo of the gun in firing position, that one belonged to the Patton Museum.

I’m new here and imagine my surprise to see this thread when I just pulled my Miniart Pak40 off the shelf to start it . This will prove very helpful. Much appreciated. I’ve buikt the Tamiya,Dragons,and AFV versions and this one is proving to be more challenging in some respects.

I build German artillery pieces excusively especially the odd esoteric pieces via scratch/conversion/kit bashing .

I don’t know why I decided I needed another Pak 40 but I bought two of these.

I’ve built every variant of the 40 as well as the FK 7M85 and the FK 7M59 In 1/35. I think the bump stops are incorrectly located.


Hi David and welcome to Armorama! I’m sure you’ll fit right in here. You’ll find lots to see on this site and everyone is very friendly and helpful. Just bring your sense of humor! I encourage you to start a new thread and post up photos of all your great artillery builds!


Small progress. Wheels are painted and chipping is done.


The image shown here for measurement is a great example for the gun but the carriage is not straight and so will throw your measurements out.

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Darren good catch; EXCEPT . . .

While you are correct, I am not square to the gun carriage, the gun itself has been slewed slightly to the right. (As per Patton Museum training requirements that even guns firing blanks never be pointed directly at fellow reenactors.)

I took this into account so I, (and the camera) are standing 90 degrees perpendicular to the axis of the gun barrel and to the gun shield. So these comparative measurements as seen here are still valid.

(p.s. I was kinda waiting for someone to call me out on this score - sharp eyes you’ve got there. But I was ready! - Of course the wheel itself is at a slight angle so that could throw this system off as to the calculation but as said elsewhere it is an imprecise system and can easily be off by plus/minus 3%)

Earlier reference seen elsewhere in the Forums:

Hello bud I did read the 3% comment, but I did not realise that was because of this. Thank you

The PaK 40 is finished. I have to finish the ammo boxes still, but I want to do a final summary of the kit. It is the most detailed kit of a PaK 40 on the market. It is most complex and not easy to built. Its more time consuming than the Dragon kit, but more detailed. It has one flaw im avare of and thats the short barrel, which can be fixed easily. On the other hand Dragon has incorrectly shaped wheels for the early version, which cant be fixed, so basically only a late version can be built.


Very nice. Good job. I’ve got two of these kits and I was thinking of just using metal barrels. I also have a fair bit printed material on German artillery and the Pak 40 and have not seen the third wheel on any Pak 40. What are your thoughts on it?

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I too have not seen the third wheel on the PAK 40. I would love to come across some photo documentation of the 40 having one! (H.P. Help!)
I know the PAK 38 had the third wheel (see photos above) but given the weight of the 40 I suspect it was tried early on, proved unworkable and then later deleted.

(Just my 2 cents worth, total conjecture on my part.)

Jacob; Could you please show us an image from the instruction sheet as to how the third wheel attaches when being employed and when being transported?

I am fairly sure how this worked. See how the towing lunette actually has a double ring structure to it. (A detail left off all previous attempts at modeling this gun.) This is intended to receive the vertical pivot rod of the third wheel. However as such that would certainly place a lot of torque strain on this small fixture when manually moving the gun. On the PAK 38 this function is accomplished with a somewhat massive two part casting even with the 38 being a much lighter weapon.


GREAT paint chipping, bye the way!

A further note: If you put this double lunette over the standard german towing pintle it would break off the vehicle pintle as not allowing for any vertical movement when towing.

Even on this very well detailed model I suspect one small part is missing:

Here a photo of the PAK 38:


Coupple of pictures, and yes, some of the small parts are on the edge of what is actually buildable.


Thank you

Interesting. Is the extra length needed equal to the length of the muzzle brake?
:smiley: :canada:

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Roughly yes

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:smiley: :canada:

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Excellent looking PAK 40!