Wish List of New Modern Kits for 2021- your top 5?

My wishlist:

British Foxhound/Ocelot
Spanish Vamtac
Italian VBM Freccia
French Griffon 6x6 BMR
Spanish 8x8 VCR Dragon

Just have one for the day.

1/35 South Africa Ratel 90mm, 6 wheeled armored car.

I wish for a 1/1 scale model kit of the old Armorama site with:

  1. Manufacturers Links in the article
  2. not having to be redirected or open a new tab to make a comment
  3. No “Inspirations” by Pros with unlimited $$/resources/professional photography resources/ and apparently the lack of ability to identify techniques/products. Phishing for hits
  4. No big ads right in the middle of the page

I’m just waiting for the new Zvezda T-62 to hit the streets…

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I would like to see an updated Marder and Kanonenjadgpanzer.



That would be great.

In the XM1 tracks they started out with two tanks. The hulls from a distance were similar looking, but when you got up close they were very different. The turrets were different in shapes. One was down at Knoxx locked up in a barn, and Littlefield got the G.M. built one. Still not sure which engine G.M. used, as we heard it was a twelve cylinder and also a sixteen cylinder diesel engine. They used similar gear boxes (from the ouside), but were quite different internally. Tracks and sprockets are the same (NATO spec’d), and maybe the same roadwheels. At the time there was a fued going on between G.M. and Lycoming, and doubt they used the M60 tank engine (we always heard it was made by Detroit Diesel). The next lot of M1 tanks (17 altogether) used a different turret. Then the next lot (25?) had modifications to everything.
From there they moved into the M1IP, and things started to get standardized externally (they were still using the 105mm main gun). The next hundred fifty or so tanks had many mods done to them (mostly internal) as issues arrose. About that time TACOM sought out a second engine contractor as the Lycoming turbine become a monster. They were Garrett and AGT. Thru a lot of political string pulling Lycoming kept the contract, but TACOM wanted AGT. Their ideas were sane, but Lycoming had the politicians in their pockets. They did built a very few prototype M60 tanks with the M1 power pack (we had one at work), and even did one M48a5 with a turbine and X1100 gear box. Last I heard they all were in Yuma AZ. About that sametime were had several David Browne power packs delivered via Ms Thatcher. They were having constant issues, and she was tired of dealing with them. They gave Browne one more chance to get their act together (guess they did). The Challanger almost got the X1100-5 with a diesel engine (which one I don’t know). I still remember the power packs on the dynos running 24/7 (none ever made it thru the 25,000 hour test by the way). Yet right accross the hall way was an M1 power Pack that was well over 25,000 hours (about 33,000 hours). A lot of interesting items in the experimental test areas!

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Have you ever read “King of the Killing Zone” by Orr Kelly?

Probably a stupid question

OK, getting back on the topic, with RMF jumping into the 1/35 Leopard 2 game, I am betting that a more accurate 1/35 Stridsvagn 122 (a.k.a. Ikea Leopard tank) in styrene will soon appear and we can forget about the Hobby Boss mess or kitbashing. That would satisfy some wishers here.

Kind regards,


Arrived yesterday from HLJ


A nice! Waiting for mine! Should arrive in Sweden mid October :slight_smile:

It seems to be a good (and expensive) time when looking at all the kits which will be released: There is the RFM Leopard CAN, rumors that it will also come as a German with interior details. The Buffel ARV has been announced by HobbyBoss, The Kodiak by Border, so the Leopard lovers should all be fine. I also found the first real photographs of MENG’s Chieftain which looks promising.
But may repeat: I just have two on my wishlist: a decent CHALLENGER 1 and a decent LEOPARD 2 EARLY, like it was introduced to the German Bundeswehr 40 years ago.

In that case it will arrive in Australia in October too… 2022… :cry:

Here are my Top 5:

1 ASCOD IFV (in Spanish Pizarro variant)

2. Roland on Marder chassis

3. New tooled Marder 1A3 (come on Revell, represent!)

4. New tooled VAB 4x4 (the current Heller offering doesn’t do justice for this iconic French vehichle)

5. Strv 74 (cuteness overload!)


Triple 7


Perhaps not modern but I would love to see

  1. A new M48A5 Patton

  2. A new tool Leoaprd 2A4M Can


We desperately need more Canadian new tools, as well as figures.

I really want a leopard 2A4M, I like the look of the mixed appliqué and screen armor around the engine. I’m not as a big a fan of the complete screen armor of the 2A6M. But from what I’ve read the hobby boss kit has some issues, so I’ll wait till a good one is realeased.

I completely agree for Canadian armor has a pretty good history but seems to be neglected in the market.

O yeah, I’d definitely like to have a new tooled Marder (Revell Germany’s offerings are out of production, right?) and VAB 4x4 (Heller’s offerings are very difficult to find, and they weren’t very good as said).

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I thought Dragon’s M48A5 Patton was decent - except a bit over-priced.
As to Leopard 2A4M Can, based on Leopard Club : Reviews - Hobby Boss Leopard 2A4M-CAN Hobby Boss’ is an overall good kit. Are there any major issues that need to be fixed with it?
Maybe RFM will make something better?