Wish List of New Modern Kits for 2021- your top 5?

Huh? What rockets?
I didn’t know Legend Productions released MLRS rocket pods.

Legend didn’t make any that I know of, but Hobby Gallery did:

Out of touch with the newest modern armor releases but there are a lot of Cold War AFV’s I’d like to see new releases of quality kits.

  1. BMP-2E - to replace Dragon’s old 1990’s kit.

  2. T-62 both Arab and Russian versions.

  3. M113 and family

  4. M60 family (M60, M60A1, M60A1 w/ERA M60A2, M60A3)

  5. Woot! - Looks like Takom did new Chieftain! I didn’t know about that :slight_smile: What a nice surpise!

  6. T-72M2 ERA to replace the old Dragon kit. Please please with?a correctly shaped turret.

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Since we’re fantasizeing about our dream kits . . .

All 1:35 styrene:
XM571 Articulated tracked carrier
ROME Plow / Hardened D-9 Dozer
Letourneau Tree Crusher
Lincoln Welder/Long barreled cutting torch
Teargas blower tunnel saturation kit

Period correct (1970 era) chainsaw
Correct cupolas for M48AVLB
MULTI-TRAY Food container circa 1965-1975
Colapse-able canvas field shower bag
Square channel aluminum construction panels

. . . not likely to see any of these marketed but it’s nice to dream.

AFV Club came out with M60A1, M60A2, M60A3, and M728, plus Magach 6B, and 6B GAL. Meng came out with Magach 6B Gal and Gal Batash. AFV Club also came out with some M113A1s - both ACAV and Nagmash 1973 versions.

As for T-62s, Most people use Trumpeter’s kits. Not sure if they also made a BMP-2E.


@Gary_Kato , thank you! I’ve been away from the hobby for a long time and didn’t know about those kits!

Zvezda announced a new tool T-62 kit for 2021


Takom also has a nice M60a1’s kit with and without ERA.

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Both Meng & Trumpeter do a T-72BV (aka T-72M2)

BlockquoteSince we’re fantasizeing about our dream kits . . .

All 1:35 styrene:
XM721 Articulated tracked carrier
ROME Plow / Hardened D-9 Dozer
Letourneau Tree Crusher
Lincoln Welder/Long barreled cutting torch
Teargas blower tunnel saturation kit

Period correct (1970 era) chainsaw
Correct cupolas for M48AVLB
MULTI-TRAY Food container circa 1965-1975
Colapse-able canvas field shower bag
Square channel aluminum construction panels

. . . not likely to see any of these marketed but it’s nice to dream


I offer some welders 3d printed…

Check out: https://www.shapeways.com/shops/downrangeproductions1-35th-scale

I also have a Engine driven welder that I can cast.

a decent m 50 ontos maybe Tamiya .
A remake of m48
Any new VN era guntruck .
any new Japanese ww2

I was going to say the same thing, Gary. Thanks.
AFV Club M60s are nice but kinda hard to find nowadays, and when you do, they’re expensive ($70+~$80 USD range if not more). Their M113’s are pricey, too (60 USD range).
I am hoping that Takom will also release M60A3s.

Trumpeter’s T-62s are descent but it has plenty of room for improvement. Miniart may do one, and I’m glad to hear that Zvezda is working on one b/c their latest new toolings have been great.
Trumpeter has BMP-2D. Don’t think it released 2E version.

Hmmm, I followed the link to your product line and browsed your 1:35 selection but didn’t see a Lincoln gas powered arc welder, you do offer a diverse range of accessories though. If I remember correctly you posted an invitation earlier this year for suggestions from our member group, I refrained (restrained myself more to the point) from participating, my list is long and distinguished. Thanks for having me in mind.


I am looking forward to Border models Crusader 3 when it comes out. Strangely I have most of the kits I want. What I fear is when better versions are made and then I am in a quandary about replacing the older kit or not(You know the answer to that already) and end up with multiples of the same kit. I know we all have multiples of the same kits built already and more in the stash but what do they say about people who keep doing the same thing over and over expecting different results… :crazy_face:

I cast the gas one…

I mastered it the old school way!


I’m quite happy with what my stash has to offer now. One wish was fulfilled recently when Hobbyboss came out with the LARS 2 on MAN 7 to gl … :joy: But of course I wouldn’t mind if I find these kits at my dealer in the future (all 1/35):

BPz 3 “Büffel”

Leopard 2RFIN

ItPsv 90 Marksman II Leopard 2

GTK Boxer Lithuania (“Vilkas”)

One can dream … :innocent:

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That’s a nice one, 1:35th? My mind seems to be stuck on the model SA 200 from the '60s - '70s era . .

(images downloaded for illustration puposes only) :copyright:

yep, 1/35. I might be able to whip that one up shortly in the future… I have a few projects ahead of it.

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Greg, I share your pain about newer models coming out to ostensibly replace those within your stash; what I do is tough it out and try and get the best from what I already have, mind you, sometimes the expense incurred on bringing a model up to spec makes one wonder why I bothered in the first place! That said, I kinda like the challenge. I have several Skif and Heller kits in my stash all crying out for some tender loving care and I will probably do them right. Probably.


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