Nice start. I was hoping to get started on my figs this weekend but a sinus infection has set me back. Now that I see what you’ve posted, I may try painting the head separately. I’ve seen others do that but have never done it myself - this seems like a great opportunity. The range of color you’ve brought to the skin is really terrific.
Lately, I’ve been making slight pose adjustments to the AT Gun Squad. And once again, putty needs to cure overnight before I can proceed to the next step. … Well, I have this extra Alpine Miniatures GI just loitering around (un-started). Thought I’d submit an additional figure for some much needed painting practice.
Wow, that is some serious detailed face painting, Jan and Lazarus. Great work! I might be a level or two below that, but I will try to get a decent result none the less.
Fact is, Gents, we’re all here to learn from each other. As Jan says, it’s all down to practice. For every figure I post on here, there’s about half a dozen that end up at the back of the cupboard.
It’s not a contest lads, so let’s have some fun with it!
Working on, basic camo from a Belgian Airborne early late 70 start 1980.
Trying to get a right balance between the colours and the scheme.
Have to work on the colours as such, and the light and shadow on the Figure.
Looking good, guys!
@ Jan. Oils or acrylics?
@ Lazarus. Are those Vallejo acrylics on your bench?
Watching with much interest.
Got a little work done on the Alpine GI today. Assembled the Thompson M1 and added the left arm. The cigarette he was holding was broken off in the package, however, that won’t be an issue as this separate figure vignette develops…
Mike, that Alpine GI looks pretty decent. Can’t wait to see what you do with it.
Yep, workbench full of Vallejo’s. I own one tube of oil paint. Burnt Sienna, for wood grain. A few AK enamels here and there but, acrylics all the way for me.
I made the AT Gun a little more stable by gluing the gun-trails and the elevation/traverse mechanisms. This will make mating hands to grab-handles a whole lot easier from now on.
By now, you were expecting arms, hands, and grab-handle progress. Sorry, not today… Today was pocket removal (x10) day. While adhering to the reference image as much as possible, it was inevitable that those chunky cargo-pockets had to go! … Think I’ll leave the jacket bottoms. TBD.
And today’s BONUS score! While rummaging around the stash-yard, I came across these little beauties: German Breadbag M31 (Brotbeutel Modell 1931). Think I’ll be able to convert them into Gas Mask Pouches as seen under the left arms of the crew.