Your figure just keeps improving!

I missed the last figure group build so I really wanted to get something on the bench for this one. Here it is.

I never got into playing the actual Warhammer tabletop game but I do enjoy most of the other aspects of it like the artwork, books and of course the figs.

Up until about two years ago I hadn’t painted one since I was a kid but I was planning to do a sci fi bust and felt I needed some practice, having mostly concentrated on post 1914 military figures.

I thought 40k figs would be great practice and they were- I enjoyed them so much I now build whatever one’s catch my eye.

This ‘Baryard’s Revenge’ piece definitely caught my eye.

As the title of the group build suggests I want to improve my work so here are two pics of other 40k pieces I’ve done.

(The scrollwork is from a decal sheet.)

Both black armor and ork skin and equipment will be needed in this new build and I hope to do both better than the previous time.

I only opened the box there on Friday and thus far have done only a bit of gluing on the space marine and some bits on the ork which I will go through in my next update.

So that’s where things are at the minute.

Best of luck to everyone embarking on their own projects for the group build!


I’m hoping to make a start in the next couple of weeks. Just got a few other things to finish first.
Think they’ll be a fun set to do even though the equipment was never adopted. I don’t even know if any more were built besides from the prototype Brewster tested and tried to sell.

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They make some really cool figures!


One thing quite noticeable on Orks in 40k is their rubber armor, often decorated with a checker or flame pattern like in the box art for this piece.

On the ork piece I posted earlier in the thread I used a micro-chisel to cut a checkered design into the rubber shoulder armor. This both added a bit of depth and detail but, more importantly, made it much easier to paint.

For this ork there is quite a few bits of rubber armor so I went with a few different shapes.

Because it’s ork stuff it is supposed to look a bit primitive so making a pattern like this doesn’t have to be 100% perfect or neat. A bit of a wobbly line here or a scratch there really won’t matter.

As you can see I’ve got to work on the ork- at this point I’ve got the base colors on.


Funny, this looks exactly like me during our belching contest on beer night :beer:

Nice color and glazing of the skin tones


Thank you buddy- I’d say I’ve probably pulled a few faces that look like that too :laughing: !


Hello lads and gals :slight_smile:

I recently bought a re-edition of classic gold of board games called Hero Quest and immediately regretted it as I’m now into fantasy figures painting mood … I also woke up a monster… my nephew immediately told me we need to buy and paint… yeah… my entry for this campaign… or I should rather say… 15 entries… a bunch of homeless dwarfs seeking to reclaim their old lost kingdom accompanied by a wizard and a … thief :wink:

I don’t know if I finish them all, but at I’ll do my best to make them as many as possible.

Here are some sprue shots:


I intend to do the two figures from this box servicing the schrek:

I have done them before:

They came out well, but the basing did not live up to them, and it’s more of a summer setting, and I want a winter setting, so I intend to modify the figures by adding winter camo coats using putty. I have these figures as a model to work from, they are from the Desperate Defense set by Dragon:


The gargarimthis is starting to look like, well, a gargarimthis.

In my experience, almost everyone assumes every alien creature will be some kind of monster. I take a very different view. As living beings, every alien is part of a biosphere and struggles for survival within that environment. The creature eats something. Something eats the creature. No alien creature evolved just to chase young human women and eat space marine faces.

At some point, I decided the gargarimthis is very similar to a Terran herbivore. On Earth, herbivores eat plants. An alien world will not have animals or plants. Those organisms evolved on Earth. However, an alien world may have living beings that harness sunlight for energy in a way very similar to plants, and motile creatures that eat those sun harnessing entities in a way much like animals. The gargarimthis is such a creature.

Why does the gargarimthis have that gigantic hood? After some thought, I decided it serves three purposes.

Unlike the hood of a cobra, the hood of a gargarimthis is always extended so it must perform a vital function. Since it is so large and thin it acts as a heat exchange. Elephant ears and, according to some scientists, dimetrodon sails serve the same purpose.

The hood is also a display structure. A gargarimthis breeds using some form of sexual reproduction and is sexually dimorphic. Psedo-male and pseudo-female gararimthi consider hood pattern and size when selecting a suitable mate.

Finally, something very large and nasty likes to hunt gargarimthi. It probably hunts young human women and attacks space marines, too. One way to scare off predators is to be very large. A gargarimthis appears much larger than he of she actually is because of the hood, which detours at least some predators.

A gargarimthis has one very large central eye, on a stalk that can swivel, and 4 smaller eyes along the edges of the hood. This gives the creature good all around vision but poor stereoscopic sight. No terrestrial animal uses such an arrangement but some trilobites worked in a very similar way.

A gargarimthis also has a very long, segmented neck and a fairly deep chest. The creature probably works like a small giraffe.

Much like gazelles, gargarimthi are runners. The bulk of the creature is tightly formed around the center of gravity. The rear leg muscles and twin tails of the creature need to counter balance the large but delicate head. As a result, the body is starting to look very cat like. The final shape will strongly depend on how the legs and leg muscles attach to one another.

The skin of the creature appears very leathery. This is very probably an adaptation to detour parasites. Scales, hair, and feathers are extremely specific and unlikely adaptations used by terrestrial animals so I do not want to copy them.

The gargarimthis still has some fun traits to reveal but those must wait for more sculpting and another day. :slightly_smiling_face:


Your gargarimthis just keeps improving!

The creature now has mouth parts, a prehensile lower lip, and complete throat. The tail paddles also increased in size.

The distant ancestors of the gargarimthis were probably very similar to hag fish and lampreys. Over time, the lower lip of those animals evolved into a lure. Much later, the lower lip hyper extended and strengthened to become a manipulating appendage, much like the trunk of an elephant. The appendage has three distinct lobes with one opposable. A gargarimthis uses this appendage to gather food and bring it up to the mouth in the same manner as an elephant. A small piece of wire imbedded inside the feeding appendage kept it in the proper position while the putty dried. The wire extends deep into the mouth cavity for strength. From here on, not damaging the appendage will become a challenge.

The mouth points down. The creature lacks a jaw. Instead, bony plates lining the sides of the mouth cavity crush and grind with radial muscle contractions. The outer lips of the mouth protect the inner lips. When feeding or hungry, the creature exposes the inner lips in anticipation of food. Given the position of the feeding appendage and mouth state, this creature may be feeding.

The two small eyes along the edge of the hood were also finished. This represents the limits of my sculpting ability. I simply cannot see well enough to sculpt anything smaller.

The tails now have much larger paddle counter balances. As the head becomes heavier, the rear body and tails also need to become heavier. This presents the animal with something of a problem. If the tail paddles become too heavy, the animal will need to expend a great deal of metabolic energy to keep them off the ground. The tails may have an internal bracing system that forces them to remain in the level or higher position, thus transferring the load to the very large hind muscles.

The two wires located just behind the main eye will become display structures. Their position keeps changing because the stupid things keep tearing my gloves.

The creature now needs cheeks, for chewing the cud, and a much deeper chest, for food processing and to shift the center of gravity further aft of the head.


@phil2015, can I still join? Ik it’s been a couple months which is why I’m asking
Edit: Just realized this started June 1st so it hasn’t been that long, my question still stands


Just go to the first post and press the going button - then you are in!

Looking forward to see what you will be doing.


Actually @Tank_1812 is the person to ask. I set up the thread, but he is running it. But, I can still answer this as of course you can still join. It will be fun.


Here is my entry for this group build, a set of figures that will represent defeated and captured soldiers…


A most unpleasant creature to encounter, I presume… but well thought out and made!
I am still dragging my feet with regards to the German camouflage uniforms…


As Phil said, yes you can still join. Heck, folks can still join the day it closes if they can paint fast enough.


@phil2015 , @Tank_1812 , @petbat , Thanks! I will get right on that.

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My entry is a 1/16 Verlinden SS Infantryman. This is my first 1/16 scale figure, up until now I’ve mainly worked in 35th scale. I’ve decided to depict him in the spring/summer variant of his smock. I’m using more Warfront paints on this than I’ve ever used before, I normally stick to Vallejo. I gues that I’m keeping in theme with everyone else seeing as a lot of people are wanting to do SS camo. I recommend three things: Vallejo’s paint set (which details how to paint them), definetely look up reference photos, and take your time.


I painted the head first, I used Vallejo acrylics for the helmet and chinstrap and Scale75 Artist Paints for the skin.

I used Warfront paints for the smock, I have yet to finish the front. I decided to paint things in sections instead of everything all at once. That’s all for now, Colin


Great result on the head with particularly nice attention shown to both the camo and the goggles- the reflection is quite convincing!

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@Karl187, Thanks! It’s my first time painting a reflection, I used a piece done by Calvin Tan for reference.
I also worked on one of the MP40 mag pouches.

I’ve noticed that the camera appears to wash out the contrast. Is there any way to remedy this?