Your figure just keeps improving!

When I take a picture I will often go back and edit it, usually for size or to crop so a certain area is seen more clearly but on the iPhone there is an ‘Auto’ option in the ‘Edit’ bit that will correct any color or contrast issues.


I do similar, however, my images automatically sync to my MacBook with a large external display where I have better overall editing control using the native Photos app or Affinity Photo app. HTH.


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Alright thanks! I have a Google Pixel so that isn’t available to me, I will play around with the edit software on my phone though to see if I can fix it.

Sorry mate, not familiar with Google phones but they likely have a similar edit feature- if not there may be an app available.

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Most single lens phone cameras and ipads, etc, have default settings intended to be ‘one size fits all’. I find that all I need to do with my images is use an editing program to ‘Sharpen’ the picture. Your picture copied and then run through Irfanview on my PC, edited only to ‘Sharpen’:

Maybe there is an app for your phone that you can use?


This is looking wicked !

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Um, I mean, nice work on the photo, Peter, and nice work on the painting CK.


@petbat, I found the Sharpen thing on my phone and acheived the same result; thanks for your help!
Thanks, Phil!

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The gargarimthis can now breath!

Sculpting is both an additive and subtractive process. Various parts of the creature were sanded including the edges of the hood, the eyes, and the tails, to make them more delicate. Sculpting a perfectly tapering cone is almost impossible. However, by over sculpting something like a tail, then sanding it back, near perfect curvature and tapering can be achieved.

The back of the hood now includes the upper surface of the neck and a series of orifices through which the creature breaths. The neck now smoothly transitions into the body and a third, stubby tail is now apparent.

Since this animal needs to process a lot of food each day, the chest and bony keel were greatly enlarged. This also helps counter balance weight added to the head. Sculptors try to provide painters with lots of extra little details. The chevrons on the front of the chest where added for this purpose.


Switched from “Interested” to “Going.” I’m in. :grinning:


Although heat wave in Warsaw hits almost 40°C in shadows I managed to do some progress on figures.

Not much, just assembled them, btw Dwalin figure is quite hard to assembly with very confusing joint, so… I broke it :stuck_out_tongue: and had to improvise on joints with epoxy putty.
Next was some basic ground tezture on tiles as the nasty holes and gaps made them look really bad.
All primed with Chaos black from Citadel and made some attempt to zenital highlighting with Tamiya XF-2 sprayed from above… sort of. Still learning this technique, so I thing I’ve overdone in some places or …undertone in others.

So here’s current state:

And here the fun begins… tomorrow… or day after tomorrow or… sometime in future :wink:


These are super Cool!


:astonished: Wow, the dramatic despair is real with this group :art:


Continued on with the German, painted the other MP 40 pouch, the binoculars, and the collar and scarf. Still using mostly Warfront paints, I’m achieving good results, even with the low pigmentation.


That is really coming on nicely. The stitching on the pouches looks great as does the finish on the binos.

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Thanks a lot! The stitching is very meticulous.

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Since the last time I posted I moved on to detail painting of the figure. And a goof of mine became readily apparent- that I should have left the big claw off the fig as painting the inside of it and the figure was decidedly tricky.

But I was getting there and I had the figure done apart from the metal bits. Setting about these was going well until, at some point, I ended up with metal paint all over my gloved hand that was holding the fig and I didn’t notice until the silver paint was pretty much everywhere! Up to this point, I have to say, I had not really enjoyed this fig. I had been looking forward to doing it but my enthusiasm was waning. Getting silver everywhere tempted me to bin it.

However, I had luckily varnished all the completed bits and I managed to get most of the silver off with a bit of touching up required here and there. As you can see below it is now fully done.

I intend to move on to the Space Marine soon.

Thanks for reading/


Don’t know if the title really applies to me but…

Guess I’ll just keep trying :grin:


Trying custom decals to represent Russian Navy Soviet tee shirt from Afghanistan in 1980s.


Good thinking, Stuart! Looks good.

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