Your Figure Just Keeps Improving! 2024

And now…an archeology expedition.

These are my progress posts from the previous campaign thread…

Post 1: Your figure just keeps improving! - #16 by Damraska

Post 2: Your figure just keeps improving! - #17 by Damraska

Post 3: Your figure just keeps improving! - #29 by Damraska

Post 4: Your figure just keeps improving! - #30 by Damraska

Post 5: Your figure just keeps improving! - #49 by Damraska

This is one of the last progress pictures from Post 5 in July of last year…

The poor little creature currently lies on my desk in the state pictured above. Wow. Nine months, waiting for some love. :face_with_diagonal_mouth: Stupid Lulubelle borked so many other projects. Oh well.

Soooo…the gargarimthis still needs 4 legs, head tentacle thingys (maybe?), back spines (maybe?), tail spines (maybe), and whatever else it ends up needing. Dunno. It could still go in a lot of different directions. Then it will need a paint job, I guess. No idea how far along it is because I don’t know where this road leads.

If it works, great. If not, that’s fine. :slightly_smiling_face: