Your figure just keeps improving!

Great painting Jesper … The skin tones Gideon are spot on… A black skin tone must be hard… I wouldn’t have a clue where to start …


Thanks guys for kind words.
@SGTJKJ Boba & Moff Gideon look superb! Very nice details and you nailed them spot on!

@panzerman1 good luck with orc boyzz :slight_smile:

I’m almost there with my band. I managed to conplete Bifur, Gloin, Dori & Ori. Bofur is ‘on final’.

I must admit I was using some tips and guidances to match colours (although my choices vary here and there), so I might do a bonus attempt on this fella:

I want to check if 3D prints are worth investing - they offer interesting figures i interesting poses, so I took opportunity and ordered some ( this one was advertised as top notch 4k technology print with best resin on market).
With this onr I will put my experience gathered during painting 15 fellers from Thorins’s pack into kind of … test, but only if my eyes allow me to do it :wink:


Lovely stuff Radek- you have really brought out the detail of the clothes and equipment- some great, intricate designs on show there and I have to really commend you on the beard and hair work!


Thank you Karl :slight_smile:
I must admit that hair/beard are usually quite satisfying and irritating at the same time :wink: - usually they have quite nicely moulded textures which makes it easy to make them more pronounced with 1 or 2 additional brighter layers and they sometimes. At same time they sometimes have the same curse as cloth - lots of flat surfaces with very slight recesses, so it’s quite hard to achieve smooth transitions. So I had to improvise by making strokes of paint… mostly curly :smiley:


I find this too- the quality of the sculpt usually determines what I will do in terms of painting.


Thanks for the kind comments, Guys! Much appreciated. :slight_smile:


Standing figure of the set of three complete. My first attempt at the “green bag camo”


He’s turned out great! I like his trainers.

That looks like an uncomfortable thing to wear. Guess the Soviet army didn’t want it’s troops going soft!

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Thank you! I am not familiar with the camo uniform at all. Yes. You are correct as I have never thought of the Soviet army troops as soft :smile:


That is a pretty good rendition Stuart. All in all I think you’ve captured the look of the Afghan soldier with the camo, the dark, dirty flak jacket and the equally worn looking ‘Panamka’ hat.

@phantom_phanatic - Funny you think it looks uncomfortable to wear- I always thought the opposite of this camo, known as ‘KLMK’. I kind of thought it would be easy to wear as it always looks to me like a big onesie :smile:! I’ve seen a few still being worn in Ukraine so it’s certainly had a long service life!

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Thank you! and thank you for the insight on the camo as I had not seen these in the recent Ukraine events

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Just catching up with everyone’s posts. Great work that inspires.
Karl187, Thanks for the warm welcome.
Tank_1812, I am glad to join the fun. Thanks.
SGTJKJ, I agree. Orks are a blast to paint. Thanks for the nice greeting. Superb paintwork on Mando and Moff. Vibrant colors for the small 1/48th scale.
RadekZ, Thanks for the encouragement. Phenomenal paintwork on your LOTR Dwarf band.
amoz02t, Great job replicating the Soviet camouflage pattern. The figure looks great. Love the sneaky sneakers too.

Keep up the amazing work guys.


Update on my Warhammer 40K, Xeno Scum series. Work done on my Space Ork.

I started Frankensteining the figure together.

Made a bipod for the Ork MG.

I also added a front sight to the gun(from kit parts).

I made a banner pole for the Evil Sunz Ork clan.

Lastly, I made an ammo box for the MG. I still got a few extras to add, but that it for now. Thanks for viewing. Comments are welcomed. Keep having fun, Guys!!!


Nice mix Bill @panzerman1 ! They seem like ready for stompin’ :slight_smile:

@amoz02t - your figure is looking great!

As for my build… I think it’s time to call my “Unexpected modelling journey” complete.

That was a lot of fun to me watching you guys, learning things in area I never ventured before and it seems like it’s a serious drug because completing Thorin & Co. left me starving for more. Even though I made a bonus 1… erm… 2 figures I have arleady another one ready for hurting my eyes :smiley:

So here they are. Master Thorin (with Orkrist! :sweat_smile: ), Master Gandalf, Master burglar & 12 dwarves:
Groupie shot first (sorry,little blurry, because they can’t just stand still… I mean my lens cannot get me all round focus…):

And now some close-ups:

Gandalf, Thorin & Bilbo:

Bofur, Oin & Dwalin:

Balin, Nori & Dori:

Bifur, Gloin & Fili:

And finally Kili, Ori & Bombur:

Well, actually it wasn’t the last, as I still owe you a bonus figure of goblin mushroom picker :smiley: .
well actually there are 2 bonuses… master goblin felt so scared of dwarves he took his pet frog-boar(??) for self defence :smiley:

Thank you guys for great campaign and if we get another one going, I’m all in.
Good luck to all of you who are yet to finish, I’m eagerly waiting to see you builds finished :muscle:


@RadekZ - That is a superb collection of minis you have painted for this campaign. Lovely, bright vibrant colors and deftly picked out detail have brought all the characters to life- you should be mightily happy with them.

@panzerman1 - Great additions to the orks, you have a real talent for enhancing them!


Excellent line up Radek. Very impressive array of colour and skill.


Like I said earlier, I will keep trying…


Lots of amazing and varied figures going on here. Great to see so much variety, especially the fantasy figures.

I made a start on mine this afternoon.

Really nice set of figures. Bit of flash but that’s fairly typical of ICM’s and they clean up nicely. Plastics quite soft and easy to work with.
They have good details. I had assumed that this was their older WW1 US infantry with the body shields thrown in, but not on closer examination. These are a completely new tooling, custom moulded so the shields fit. The heads even have the helmet straps moulded on.

Also provided is the full sprue of US weapons and equipment, most of which won’t be needed. So very welcome additions to the spares.

I’ve decided to just work on the one figure for the campaign. From what I can gather, only the Brewster suit was ever made anyway. If anyone knows more, I would love to hear about it. It’s an interesting bit of kit.

Half an hour of work got me this far. Fit was good. There’s a small gap under the belt buckle, but that will be hidden by the shield so not too bothered about that.

Still looking into the correct colours for the uniform. I think the material was a bit darker and greener that British khaki?


Still trying…


A productive afternoon for my part.
I sat down and did some figure painting… et voilá; 4 are done. Well, 2 whole ones and 2 halves…

One Normandy Sherman crew and one Australian “Digger” on guard duty.

And on the respective posts:

Now… thah Tiger crew… and the SAS beachlanding party…