Zil-131 2T7 ICM

Hello model maker

Starting a new topic today. It’s about the ZIL-131 2T7 vehicle, the transport loading vehicle for the Kub air defense system. The starting kit is the ZIL-131 in 1:35 scale from ICM. Its price-performance ratio makes it very suitable for these conversions. The model is intended to show a good connection to the Kub kit from Trumpeter. Here are some pictures to introduce it.


You know, we’re having a campaign involving trucks if you’d like to participate. It ends in five months if you think that is enough time.



Now to the model. The chassis of the ZIL-131 is built without changing the size of the frame, as the construction plan specifies. Anyone who uses etched parts can do that, I didn’t use any. The problem is making the platform, which is made of checkered sheet metal. The two hydraulic cylinders under the platform are also important; they are used to support the vehicle over the 3rd axle when working with the crane. I show this here in the pictures of the original and the model. The platform was made of plastic.


Construction continued with the crane. It is being built in a mobile manner.


That’s some ambitious work here! It’s a bit of a surprise for me, that you chose the ICM kit for the base - while nice, it’s not too detailed - like no brake chambers on the wheels and stuff like that.

Good luck with your build and have a nice day


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Hello Pawel

Your question is legitimate and relatively easy to answer. The first fact is that I didn’t have any other model available. So I had to use ICM. The second fact is a financial problem, as the other manufacturers charge about 30 euros more for this kit. For ten models, that’s about 300 euros and for that amount of money I’d be better off buying ten chains from Friul. The amount of money is too high for me for these small differences.

Best regards, Joachim


Construction of the model continued. The crane was completed, the hydraulic cylinders were installed, the rivets for the base plates and the fastening screws for the crane’s slewing ring were inserted. The screws and rivets are made of brass. The crane is movable so that the Kub launch ramp can be loaded. I hope that the dimensions for the crane are correct so that the entire ramp can be loaded.


The control box for the crane was built and installed on the platform. The other storage boxes were manufactured and installed. A realistic picture of the original vehicle is now emerging. The support for the crane, as well as the hydraulic lines and the oil tank were also installed.


Construction on the model continued. The model was painted, the frame for the rockets was built and mounted on the platform.


Hi Joachim, excellent build. What do you think of the ICM base kit? And which references do you use?

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Thank you Hans Hermann for the compliment. In response to your questions, ICM kit, I can only say that it is very easy to build. It is relatively quick and easy to build and the result is a very good model. Even if it is not as detailed as other manufacturers’ kits, you can create a good, acceptable model, just like with model modifications. It gets even better if you use resin wheels, which I unfortunately didn’t do either, but would have been appropriate. For the price of the model, I think everything is OK. The details that other manufacturers include are not visible on the finished model anyway. Of course, if you only want to build one vehicle, I would go for one from Trumpeter. I have built eleven ZIL-131s and that was a big saving for me. Most of the references come from the Internet, I have known the original vehicle since the mid-70s, when it was first seen in my home town during the day when trains were being moved from Meissen to Grossenhain. The ramps were moved at night. They belonged to the 1018th anti-aircraft missile regiment and that is what the model is supposed to represent. Grossenhain was the location of a GSSD fighter-bomber division where training took place. The airfield was right on the edge of the city. Today you would have to pay money to see the air shows of those days. The noise was an extraordinary burden for us. That’s all for now, I hope I was able to help you.

Best regards, Joachim


Great Thanks!

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Now a test to reach the fixed points of the ramp with the crane without rockets. It seems to work and the model can be finalized. But a lot of work is still needed.


Awesome build :+1:t2:


Now the finished model. The rockets were from the Trumpeter kit. Unfortunately these rockets are too small in diameter, I should have gotten other ones. Here are the first pictures of the model.


I can strongly recommend SP Design Missiles. Accurate and to size but wings are fragile.


HansHermann, Exactly, I should have used this kit. Maybe I can get one for you.


Ich interessiere mich für das Modell 2T7, ist es möglich diesen zu erwerben?
Oder nur den Kranaufbau mit Raketen und Träger.
MfG aus Leipzig

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Christian, ich habe eigentlich vorgehabt, keine Modelle zu verkaufen. Da ich aber nun Rentner bin wäre es vielleicht gut, wenn ich diese modelle in gute Hände abgeben könnte. Nenne mir deine Preisvorstellungen und ich würde es mir überlegen. Ich werde hier auch noch weitere Bilder von diesem Modell zeigen. Der Bau war eine grosse Herausforderung für mich. Es gibt in der Modellbauwelt nur zwei Modelle davon, ich habe es mit meinem Modellbaufreund damals zusammen gebaut und wir waren auf verschiedenen Modellbauausstellungen die einzigen, die dieses Modell hatten. Melde dich mal.

Beste grüße aus Großenhain

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@lkwman Joachim, fantastic looking model! Most impressive!

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