Biking Days Officially over ..... For ever

Thank you Jan @EHAM0624 and Greg @TopSmith … you gotta know when to quit :+1:

Ryan @Tank_1812 bite me !!! I can always rely on you to lower the tone you crayon eater :rofl: :rofl:
(thanks as well dude :grin:)


Trying a different way to leave you in stitches. :crazy_face:


If you’re in lots of pain, you shouldn’t be. For the past 18 months I live on morphine patches, morphine capsules and oral morphine plus co codamol and tramadol. I had a day surgery that went wrong and gave me MRSA sepsis and necrotising fasciitis. I live on a hospital bed in my living room as I can’t get upstairs. The pain is supposed to be well managed so you need to speak to your doctor to arrange better pain relief. Too much pain hinders your recovery because you want to do less, don’t try to man it out I did. My wife said I was a better person when it improved.
That’s not to say I’m not in pain. The anaesthetist gave me a epidural and nicked my spinal cord, I’m losing sensation in my right foot spreading up my leg and the left has started. Trouble is I have nerve pain and it feels like my foot is being crushed from the inside, constantly, and I’m going to have to up the morphine again soon as m getting used to it and doesn’t work at all on nerve damage.

So be honest with yourself and seek help.
I’m glad you’re recovering, but sorry your bike is lost.

The only good thing is I’m a returning modeller as the wife suggested I start again so I have something to do. She gave me the dining room for modelling and part of the utility room for airbrushing.

I can’t manage much more than a hour or 2 a day because it hurts to sit there but I’m on my 2nd and 3rd models of the year, while I wait for my 5th surgery to try and fix my leg and it’s dangerous there’s a strong chance the bug comes back and I could lose the leg if I’m lucky or lose everything if I’m not so lucky.

Again get well soon. Only You can decide if you keep going👍


Dang! What a horror story!
All the best wishes for your recovery.


Damn John that is rough. Here’s hoping for a speedy recovery.

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Welcome aboard Mark. Sorry about your issues, hopefully things will turn around.


What can I say, what can any of us say apart from what Ryan has? Trot out a bunch of cliches? No, apart from that there’s always someone worse off than ourselves. I can only bow down and admire your spirit Mark, you’re a better man than I by a country mile. Welcome, you’ve come to the right place amongst friends & we look forward to seeing your work, and sincerely hope Life deals you better hands from now on.


Thanks for the kind words.

I must apologise to the OP, it wasn’t my intention to in any way hijack his thread. It wasn’t long after taking my pre bed pain meds that I found this forum, which has many great discussions and will be a big help to me. I don’t think I was thinking to clearly, although the wife thinks I don’t anyway.
Apologies again



John, man I am sorry to read about this. For all of you guys who have been in accidents. I haven’t been on a crotch rocket in 40 years. I never had to lay one down but my girlfriend did once, thank goodness she was wearing her leather riding outfit. Tore up her Yamaha but at least she got through with only a few bumps or bruises. Thankfully we still we had a car.

All I can say about deer after one nearly totaled my car on April fool’s Day of 2012 - celebrate deer hunters!


Helpful as always, Ryan? :rofl: :sweat_smile: :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:


Dang, Mark, hang tough, we’re rootin for ya!


One word, SWEEEEEET!


Well there is other thrilling things post bike.

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which reminds me of this:
“When I die, I want to die like my grandfather who died peacefully in his sleep.
Not screaming like all the passengers in his car.”
Supposedly said by Will Rogers.


Sorry to hear that. Hope you heal up quickly and for the better. Ride until you don’t want to, or it’s not fun anymore.

I have had my accidents and get offs. I’ll be riding until it’s not fun.


Very sorry to hear about this incident. I’m also sorry to hear that you are thinking of hanging up your boots. I’ve been riding for nearly 50 years and have owned one of my bikes, a 72 Guzzi V7 Sport for 41 of those years. My last major “off” was in 2018, when a car I was overtaking, quite legitimately, pulled out into me without looking (I was on the Sport - it’s bright red and not exactly quiet and I had the lights on). The only thing I broke was my finger. The bike was pretty knocked about, but I fixed it in the end; it wasn’t the cost, it was the availability of the parts! Woman driver was found completely at fault and her insurance paid up. I’m still riding; if “they” make you stop doing something you love, they have won. Might have felt different if I’d been badly busted up though - I’m sure SWMBO would have had her say. As it is she just says make sure you’ve got all your gear on, so I now ride in full armour and full face lid even in the summer.


Glad to hear that you are ok and will recover.
I have had several co workers and friends who were motorcycle patrol officers during their careers. Their basic rule of thumb was it’s not a question of if you will get involved in a collision, but a question of when. Nowadays with all the distractions drivers have, those odds have only gotten worse.


Mark, please dont apologise in any way … no offence was taken and I know none was intended, and I for one never read it like that in the first place ok… my injuries almost fall into the shadows compared to yours are and what you have had to endure and still do … I hope you are able to get better as soon as is possible and get back to the normal life we all take for granted some times …
Importantly, if reading the posts in this thread help you, even in the smallest way … Then that will be a good Xmas for me mate !!! Godspeed to your recovery and nothing but good wishes to you and your family dude … John


I try….plus it’s the giving season. :sunglasses:


Hope your pain is well controlled and your ongoing treatment is as smooth as possible. The statistics of two-wheeled vehicles will bite all of us in the end. Having had a bus give me a nudge off my road bike, I feel your angst, even though I got out of it with only a few scrapes and a mangled Cannondale, it’s the mind scars that heal slowest.
Thank heaven for the NHS, best wishes for a quick recovery.