British Heavy tank Conqueror Mk2 1/35th scale Black Label kit

Richard, it was definitely an in service vehicle. It was deployed in Germany as part of BAOR. It had many innovations that have become standard since then, such as the ability of the commander to take control from his position, lay the gun and fire it…
Interesting training clip from 1956

20 Mk 1 were built, then 165 Mk 2.
28 ARV vehicles were made as well.

Whilst called out as Mk 1 and Mk2 there were actually iterations of the Mk 2 build - 3 sufficiently different to call out.

Grouser - the kit barrel is way out of scale and comparing it to the Aber one should just highlight that in a big way. Good call on getting a replacement.

Dragon issues on barrel a and missing fuel filler caps is just scratching the surface… check out the PMMS review for full details.

Not sure about your version Brian, but the 3 people in my club that bought the Dragon version all have exactly what Terry Ashley had for the review.

I have the Amusing Hobby Mk 1 version and whilst better in most respects, it still has its own faults. I touched on these in the Build a photo group build a while back if anyone is interested: