Convoy! Part 2

I’m not exactly happy about how the cab’s paint turned out. Not sure why, but I couldn’t get my AB to spray like it did for the cargo body (dark brownish color).

Until I feel up to redoing/adding to the cargo bed, I’m calling this done.

Note on using the foil for masking. For canopies, it’s great! It probably would have been better if I didn’t need to glue in the windows with the foil on them. Next time, I’ll go a different route with the foil. The windows that were masked with masking tape turned out pretty darn good. The foil did leave behind some adhesive that was easily removed with a little Goo Gone and a Q-Tip.

I’m thinking of a simple diorama with the AHN and a couple of palm trees. If I go that route, I’ll weather it accordingly. For now, it’s fresh out of the paint booth heading to a staging area.



Looks good Mike! No doubt some poor soldiers were set on it with rags and buckets of water, told by the Sgt that “I want to see my reflection in that paintwork!”. (Armies the world over hate letting soldiers sit idle…)


Small update, decals applied to the container (still wet in the photo) and some black sprayed sand paper glued to a MDF base for tarmac. Next steps, matt coat then weathering, oh and finish the tractor unit.

M4H = Models for Heroes


Reminds me of the US M4T, Models for Troops.

Looks good. :+1:

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I like the trailer! What’s with the panels on the roof? Good luck on the Telford deadline!

Not sure on the panels but the corners are there to lock either 20’ or another 40’ container on the top, or I’ve built it upside down :shushing_face: :thinking:

Anyway to late to do anything about that now so here’s the trailer ‘finished’ just need to get the tractor completed and painted.


I am no container expert, but I think you build it right. Another container goes on top and locks in place.

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I think they are just part of the “toy” aspect of the container. As you probably know, containers are flat on top and bottom and have slots at the corners to lock them together with a locking bolt.

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Yep, spent lots of time swearing at the knuckles.

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I’ll jump in on this group build with an M977 HEMTT and some AM goodies to make it less basic:

At the pace I build, this should only take me 3 to 4 months…


Looks like a fine project Lucas! Reminds me I ought to get back to mine…

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Me too, Tom, me too…



I will start my build now - the italeri 1/48 opel blitz truck.

More to follow :slightly_smiling_face:

Nice options, but I am probably going to do a dark grey Luftwaffe truck for a diorama.


I think I will start with this:


Ooh a cargo half-track! I hadn’t thought about these before, but essentially it’s a cargo truck with funny rear wheels. Can’t wait to see it take shape!

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Maybe if I finish with time to spare, I’ll build the other three I have. Early troop version, armored 7/2, and the 7/3.

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This is another one I need to get back to. My CMP truck is sitting in a box, all built up and ready for paint.


I know how you feel - mine is still sitting in sub-assemblies waiting for paint!


I have the half track cargo vehicle in 1/72, it’s by Revell, and some other trucks to add.
I also have two German trucks in half completed state, which were supposed to be my entry to Convoy GB, part 1.
Haven’t had much bench time last year, and MOJO lost a bit. Last month had finally made the first move in turning a spare room into the hobby room cum man’s cave, but it’s on a slow burner (MOJO loss anyone).


Anything started in Convoy pt1 can be finished here for an award! Does that help kick-start the MOJO? :slight_smile: