Convoy! Part 2

Does a M983 HEMTT qualify for this?

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I should think so!


Great it next in the cue and will be hooked up to a Patriot Launcher but im not sure when ill build the launcher as its not in the cue as of yet.

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I’m sure there will be a Convoy! Part 3 after this, so plenty of time for the trailer… :slight_smile:


Unfortunately I don’t think any of my kits qualify for the campaign I have prebuilt most of my kits to some detail work and paint so I think I’m out of it.

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I take it they are all beyond the “50% built” threshold mentioned at the start?

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yep, all built to subcomponents i had a job that let me build so thats what I did.

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Cue? Is that like queue, or even “ line up”?

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If by subassemblies you mean unpainted separate cab shell, cab interior, bed, frame, and wheels all awaiting primer/paint, detailing, decals, and final assembly - I’d be up for that! Post a pic with all those subassemblies laid out to show how much more needs done…


yes sorry for the wrong use of the word I don’t English too well


will do I’ll get that sent in and await your judgement.

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Here is my pic of what I have done I hope it’s not enough to jump in.


That’s fine - let’s see it done for a badge! :+1: