Good start John. Getting the obligatory broken bit out of the way first up is a good plan!
Nice start, have this one in the stash, will be watching yours to get a good example of how to do it
Nice start Johnny.
Hey, hey. Checkin in to report my M12 GMC project is well underway.
My goal is to build this model quickly and use it as another painting exercise. This is 6 evenings of work. I did not attempt to correct major dimension problems (the model is a few millimeters too narrow–fixing this requires major hull surgery), ride height (at least one review considered this an issue–these vehicles received brand new, heavy duty VVSS bogies; a M12 weighs over 10,000 pounds less than a M3 or M4), or the idler wheel mount (it is very crudely represented and forces the idler into a high position–the real idler swing arm can be set to a high position). My representation will include a few less difficult corrections, all related to specific features of June Gil.
Individual link T51 tracks are on order.
The previous two Academy models I worked on kinda sucked. This one has a lot of knockout pin marks but is otherwise rather good.
The hatches on this model are really small so the driving compartment interior parts were diverted to my M23 Endurance project since that vehicle will have big windows.
Epoxy’d the trail halves and (though this picture doesn’t show it) used a Dremel sanding drum to clean it up and smooth the transition between the halves. Nice that it sort of added the “wood grain” back on it.
All the “metal” parts are painted Dark Iron. Somehow, I managed to lose one of the “hubcaps.” If I can’t find it soon, I’ll cast one in resin.
Enjoy the GB! Even though the kit is not accurate you still can have fun with it and this is the most important.
Now that my M3 Lee is coming to an end (built-wise, that is), I can start thinking about starting my contribution to this campaign.
Here is the initial picture. Everything still sealed in plastic…
All the lower hull suspension is in place, and everything sits level which is always a bonus lol…
Tried the main upper hull in a dry fit… All goes in nicely with a good clean fit …
Am thinking of doing the tracks next and then putting them to one side.
Looking good John. Nice to see a kit that behaves itself.
A bit more done on the SSModels 3D printed LeFH1BB2. The RB barrel arrived and with a Dremel & file it was “adjusted” to fit the gun carriage. It came with no muzzle brake so I will see if I can find something that will work in the spare parts box. The recuperator was made from two bits of plastic rod. Everything is in primer now.
Haven’t you got anything bigger?
Nice Greg, but the box art pic of von Manstein looks more like Alfred Hitchcock!.
Watch it, he might pull a Gustaf Railway Gun from his back pocket and shout; “BIG ENOUGH FOR YOU?!”
So… I need your collective artillery knowledge. I know nothing about the Scoda 42 cm howitzer crew. I do not know how many or their function. Is there a WW1 crew that would be appropriate that I could order? Odd, I usually avoid figures but the last several builds required them so why not add to the trend.
WW1 figures will limit you to very expensive resin figures that are not entirely suited to the piece, but workable. You will need a lot of figures!
There are a few kits for the Morsar Karl and Leopold that would have figures you could use for WW2 setting, or perhaps modify.
An option for WW2 would be the Miniart seated artillery figures, for an in between action setting of a few figures - less busy and allows more focus on the gun model. Taffy posted one on this forum that he did like this: