Got Hitched Campaign

Getting there slowly…
From this …

To this …

Even this took ages … Most time spent trying the get the lengths and bends in the correct places so it all meets up … It’s not exactly as per the original, but it’s 90% ok… Some bends / angles differ as the kit parts don’t exactly match up with the positions of the real parts.
This is probably about 40% of everything on this side that needs doing… :see_no_evil:


It all looks excellent John, keep it up!


Thanks Matt, its taking a while but moving along nicely. Its a shame I cant show my reference images as they belong to a good friend and I cant repost them here. His images are a lot more in depth and close up showing all the details which are missing and that I am try in part to replicate here.


You’re doing a damn fine job.That’s dedication.


First wire I used for the winch (picture hanging wire) looked to big after I had glued it in place, so ripped that out, and went for a slightly smaller guage.

This one looks more to scale and just waiting for the super glue to set totally.

Most of the cable/ pipework is on now, and once the winch wire is set I will get the whole winch housing assembled then I will have a bit of a firmer base to work on for when I finish off the LH side, with handles, smaller cables etc …


Assembly of the winch housing is done … Still various smaller details to add …


And a dry fit onto the chassis…

When this is built, it’s going to be a nightmare to take photos of … :thinking:


4 handles fitted, 2 from spare PE strips and 2 from wire…

Although it doesn’t jump out, I am building up each handle end with small dabs of super glue to give them a round grab look.

There is a 5th handle but it’s actually attached to the cab, so can get that done later.

Can start moving on a bit now with the instructions and stages.


Looks like you bought that kit just as a base for some great scratching :+1::+1:


lol … it does look that way Bert … I have yet to try and fit the Pantsir Engine into the chassis or at least part of it !! And this is only the first assembly that was detailed … Will look at the battery boxes next for electrical cables.


Oh man. Your pictures are reminding me of auto repair manuals from the 70s…

I may hurl…


My last note may have sounded harsh about your work - on the contrary, it’s your excellent work bringing to life something that gives me bad memories. The work is impressive!


No its ok mate … I got what you were on about :+1:


i was actually on about my second single malt :slight_smile:


Few more bits of detailing … Added this box and bit of PE strips to the inside of the edge of the winch drum.

It’s not 100% correct for size and not exactly in the correct place (out by a few mm) but that’s down to the parts not being the correct size or lining up as per the images I have.

Also, added these 2 springs on the insides…

The springs are a bit over scale but it’s as close as I could get them… Made with very thin electrical copper core wire wrapped around a .4mm bit of hard wire… On the wagon I think they are some sort of self adjusting spring for a plate over the winch drum… And painted blue in my images.

Also added some electric cables to the inner sides of the battery boxes…the other main cables will be fitted when that assembly is secure on the chassis as the cables go to the battery master switch box behind the cab.

Overall shot

Why did I go down the rabbit hole… :see_no_evil:


Great idea John. This build is really coming along nicely. Horror Boss really does hate doing detail. Remember my Dana Build?

@ayovtshev Love the shell idea!


That was indeed a sweet looking build !


Some people did mention a few minor issues (nothing to worry about though) and can’t remember if this was one or not …

On the battery box sub assembly, the single box frame does not have any corresponding female slots in the chassis to fix it in place …

You can the area where the 2 slots should be.

I was going to snip the lugs off the frame and glue direct, but that may pull that side back a bit to much … So I may just end up adding some shims once I glue the one good side.

Here’s the engine from the Pantsir I did ages ago…

It’s nothing like the Rolls Royce CV12, but I needed something to add where the engine should be …on the finished build, there are obvious areas between the cab and chassis where you can see straight through where an engine should be partially visible …I was going to box that area, but I thought the semblance of an engine would be better than nothing… Just repainted in Tamiya Sky…

And the exhaust stacks added to the which housing…will add the PE mesh after I have primed it. …


A quick general overview…

All the parts for step 9 ready to go after a tidy up …

And the various sub assemblies…


Ticking along nicely John. The details really a lot to this one.


Thanks Pete, it really does need detail adding to do it justice.

I got step 9 fitted or most of it, that being the rear wheel unit and props

I held back on fitting everything as while I was putting parts on I realised that there is a slight kink in the chassis, which only became apparent when the step 9 parts went on… I think I should be able to fix it. When the chassis is right way up the top of the right hand side leans in slightly, so I will try and push that out a bit with strong rod and fingers crossed that will realign it back into true.