I’ve started to rough-out the shape of the missing parts on the three figures, and I’ve also started to change the prone injured figure. As he comes, he should lay on the floor (not on a stretcher as shown in the boxart) with both arms tight to his side, one still holding his rifle. I find this pose both un-dynamic, and strange, not sure he’d be holding his rifle.
G, what is your career background? Art professor? Do you work for industrial Light & Magic? I’ve got to say it this is absolutely incredible. I’ve been trying to think of the proper adjective for your work, but every one I think of just seems lacking proper praise.
Nothing like jumping in at the deep end G with figure bashing … and in 1/72 as well … bravo Sir !! You have a made a great start with them and its a nice little pose they all have. Nicely done
The work you are doing with the stretcher case will give that a nice level of realism as well. All very well thought out and executed superbly.
I’ve commented on your other thread regarding the doors of the tilly. But want to again comment on the quality of your A4 builds. For me it is the attention to detail that stands out, here including the water marks, sea weed (including painting of such), etc. The work is inspiring - I just need the time to crack on with some models, and have a go at dioramas again.
A big thank you to Fred, John and Andrew for their kind words, it is very much appreciated chaps, .
As for career, well it certainly wasn’t anything artistic or creative…I couldn’t draw to save my life…for my sins I worked in the construction industry. Though a job with ILM (they are my heroes, especially in the pre-digital good old analogue days) would have been something special, .
It reminds me of a conversation with my school careers information officer back in the 1970s, when asked what I wanted to do when I left school I promptly responded saying I wanted to work in special effects for the BBC. After a few minutes of laughing he suggested my best bet was either the GEC (the towns’ biggest employer) or the armed forces, as they were the go to jobs in those days for the likes of me, (no disrespect intended to any serving, or veteran, armed forces personnel…I have nothing but admiration and respect for those that serve their country).
Andrew, when you do finally get the time to build it would be great to see your work, .
It is just the styrene one that came with it. I just don’t like the looks of it. I am going to use the ties and rails that came with the kit and put them on a piece of barnwood or something. I bought some model railroad gravel at the local hobby shop that I am going to use.
Here’s the start of my second attempt using the Zvezda 1/72nd medieval lifeboat. It’s not accurate, but hopefully looks a tad better than the first attempt, I’ve simply added various ‘ribs’ from strips of plastic. I still need to add some more details and a front seat with hole for the mast, and I need to trim off all the moulded on oarlocks and slot for the rudder.
Still needs a lot of work and tidying-up, but now I need help please…HELP!!!
What’s the best way to cut various size diameter circles from various thicknesses of plasticard? Diameters say from 2-10mm, and thicknesses from 0.5-2mm…and I don’t have any specialized tools, e.g. die and punch sets.
Both those posts above G are looking so very good. You have totally transformed the already nice looking boat into something amazing (to an untrained nautical eye). The figures are also top notch with some great scratch building so far. Lovely work
The main element of the boat construction phase pretty much finished apart from figures and stowage. I’ve primed the scratched elements so I can see what clean-up needs doing, though I have to say I’m no scratch-builder, so it’s a tad basic and rough-and-ready.
Modification of the boat finished, rudder added, so tried dry-fitting it in position to see how the composition works with all the other elements (only figures missing).
The bulk of the figures will fill the empty area of quay to the right-hand side, in front of the Tilly. I’m also thinking that the boat needs to be further out and more to the right, maybe a crew starting to row away having dropped off some troops, .
Any suggestions/thoughts on composition/location of elements please feel free to contribute.
Checklist of outstanding stuff:
Finish painting the wagons…after all this is a railway campaign, though to be honest it’s sort of lost its way, boats, trains and automobiles, .
Finish painting the Tilly.
Paint the boat.
Construct and paint the figures, my least favourite task, .
If I can get the first three done next week I’ll probably start a new build and run it in tandem with number ‘4’…wonders which will get priority as I still have two months on this campaign .