Finally, I’ve made some considerable progress!
Something that hasn’t been happening for weeks, if not months now!
As you can see, since my previous update, a big step towards the end of the project has been made today.
For the first time since I have the AK Interactive 3rd generation acrylics. I have brush painted them on the shovels, spades width indicators and mirrors that are attached to the width indicators. The bumper has been brush painted as well.
I have tried to do these parts with the airbrush, but it proved to be more difficult than I had imagined beforehand. So I’ve been improving them with brush painting.
For the first time I’ve used the newly purchased brush set of Trumpeter Master Tools series. And I must say. They feel like they are premium quality brushes for a good price. Easy to clean and they were a pleasure to work with. But that’s my first impression working with them. I would have to work more with them and more frequent maybe to be able to tell more about them.
When I was fitting the two skirts? Is that how those side panels with the cabinets with the locks on them are called? To the side. I had the unpleasant experience the headlights and the horn were to tightly fitted to the left. So, I didn’t get a perfectly tight fit at the front sides to the hull. And I couldn’t do anything about it. Because, the glue has been dried a long time already. And otherwise, parts would break and it would just be an ugly mess to look at. I think you get what I mean.
Also, I didn’t get the job done with the standard MIG Low Density cement. Because it wasn’t drying already when applying it to the whole part. So, I used their superglue to glue the two sidepanels in place. And that did get the job done very well.
It took me quite some time to get the sidepanels lined up and at the perfect fitting spot. Since the indications on the whole were not correct. If I did follow them, it would’ve looked weird and ugly. So I decided to not use them and go on my own eyes and how it looked. And I think my result is paying off nicely.
I did also take a fair amount of time to get the position of the tools just right, like the shovel, Jerry Cans and FireExtinguishers. And I’m proud of how I pulled this of as well. I think I’ve nailed that one.
The spots where you can see the color of the plastic. That’s looking quite ugly are positions where the other lifting hooks for the vehicle will be attached. I haven’t done so yet. That will be next time I will attach and paint them.
And I think that’s it then for this update. Long time since I provided an update. But I felt I didn’t really had anything interesting or important to provide as update. I just haven’t been able to spent much time on my project.
Have a great day and thanks for reading,