Decision made, I’m in with Eduard’s Mig-21PFM in VPAF markings.
Got a few things to get done first, but really looking forward to this.
Might be interested in joining, just have to figure out a kit.
Just purchased a Trumpeter KV-1 for this campaign.
Should arrive in a couple weeks. Gives me time to finish up Best Tank That Never Was, maybe UFO, and more maybe Convoy.
I’m looking through the instructions of this and I’ve spotted a strange thing. Eduard suggest painting the inside of the jet pipe bright green? Is this a typo or were they really this colour?
I’ve seen off-white ceramic plates on after burner petals, so is it some sort of insulation?
Maybe this can help…
Thanks, very helpful. I wasn’t turning up many clear photos when I tried a search.
Every day’s a school day.
I see green on the inside of several different jet engines. I wonder - I’m guessing those parts are ceramic?? Maybe?? Is that some kind of natural shade of ceramic materials???
Thanks, those are really helpful.
A little more progress on my T-55 build. Mainly small details and whatnot.
Added the last of the fuel lines and adding the PE to the engine deck.
I also fitted the aluminum tank barrel to the breech, ready once I start working on the turret.
which barrel did you get for it?
This one.
Looks nice. Thanks!
One question i have for the modelling crowd… I’m looking at the colors and there’s no explanation for the color palette chosen for the T-55, only number codes. I assume these are for Vallejo colors, but i am not sure of it. I want to go with AK Interactive REAL COLOR paints, but I might have to guess which colors to use. I can’t use Russian Modern Green, since it’s too bright IMO and Vallejo Russian 4BO Protective Green is too bright for the time period.
Just get close and let weathering do its thing. Just remember that if you use a dark wash as many do the original color will darken.
Welp? Time to go pain hunting this weekend.
I wondered the same thing when I did my T-54. This picture rears it’s head from time to time
Basically as above get it close and weather
Yeesh! “Fifty Shades of ___________________ (Insert AFV color here)” moment here…
Those are mr hobby colors. They work much the same as Tamiya or AK real colors.
Flat Russian Green is what they call it and there is no equivalent in my AK real color equivalent chart.
FWIW I find Tamiya Field Gray (XF65) as a good starting point for Soviet tanks