Nothing exciting. Lower hull and running gear painted, washed, and drybrushed. Green is custom mixed Tamiya. Planning on a 3 color scheme. Currently undecided about the degree of weathering but leaning toward some mud.
Thanks for looking.
Some really nice builds going on! I’ve changed my mind on my subject. I am going with the Trumpeter SU-152
Planning a small vignette sometime in the fall or spring of 1943/1944
Working on the cupolas.
Still need to add some PE, along with the floodlight.
The rest of the turret is done. The notches in the bottom will be covered by a bag that will get glued over it.
Like so… There’s thee PE straps that go in there as well, which is a really nice detail.
So far, this kit has been a very good build with tons of potential for upgrades and customization.
And also built the highly detailed DShK heavy MG right before heading out to work.
Very nicely detailed; you get two of them to build either in stored or deployed position.
Some progress since last update. Lower hull weathered as are the wheels. Mated the upper and lower hull and added the fenders. Also started on some of the small fittings. Thanks for looking.
Looking really good.
So I’ve run into a problem. Can’t seem to find the driver’s hatch. It’s listed as part A13. It does not show on the A sprue diagram nor any of the others. If anyone one has this kit(RFM T80U) could you check your kit for the part? Turned the workbench and surrounding area apart several times to no avail. Thanks.
I think it comes attached to the hull, inside the center ring.
On the other T-80 kit as well.
Given that your center ring is visible in the picture without the hatch, I would check to see if it broke off somewhere in the box or a bag
Thanks. That piece was not attached as shown. The ring in my kit is completely smooth. No burr where it might have broken off. Guess I’ll have to contact RFM for the part.
Ha! Found it. It was in the plastic bags with the decals.
lol that reminds me of tamiya Nashorn barrel which is listed as being on a sprue but is taped to the inside of the box, I had the side it was on facing away from me, took me much longer than I like to admit to find it
Happy you found it
great you found it! I wouldn’t be surprised if they switched it due to people losing it. Seems like it would be an easy thing to do attached to the top of the hull. If so it would have beeen nice if they’d updated the documentation also.
If you load it with the cartridges just released by Quinta modeling studio, it will shoot.
I like it a lot! Congrats for the nice clean build, I am sure it will look gorgeous after being painted.
That is a model on its own!