More progress. The engine is mostly done and ready for paint. Then I need to add wiring to the engine. Hope to paint this weekend
Nice! I hope to be starting on my T-34 in the next week or so. I may do the turret first.
What do you plan to use for the engine wiring?
I wasn’t sure of the need to remove the plate as it looks like the PE will fit with the plate still on the kit. But my instructions told me to remove it, so at the end I decided to remove it.
I guess/hope it is because they will come someday with a T-70 interior kit.
The T-60 line has interior kits, those could be used to make up the T-70 interior. I am sure there is not that much of a difference between them.
3…2…1 proven wrong by someone.
Note of caution, my instructions for the T-54-3 interior kit had a call out to an incorrect part. It made a call out to part PeB9 a photo etch part that upon inspection didn’t look like the part in the instructions. I carefully examined the instruction booklet and PeB9 was called out later for a complete different sub assembly. The part I actually needed was PeB18 thankfully these parts didn’t look alike so I caught it but be careful with the Miniart kits, especially the high part number ones.
Time to get my build for this campaign started. Maybe some time…there’s a lot of plastic in this kit!
hello again!
I have some more pics. a lot of changes and thinking went into changing the story up because of the inaccurate barrel on the side, so I added a crater, (It’s my first time making something like that, but I am open to criticism.) and some POWs. in other words, I am confusing everyone.
i still have to paint it a bit, not gonna lie…
Firstly Logan, well done on it all so far. And you have made a great start and it’s good that you posted the pics of it here.
Any criticism should be constructive and leave you with positive feedback.
You will then be able to use that and inject it into your next build and so on and so on.
Just remember, have fun while you’re doing it and enjoy it.
People with 5, 10, 20 years or longer modelling experience will always learn new techniques and so they learn and improve all the time.
Do some research, for instance like you said about your crater. Just look for a few images of different craters, different angles etc then decide how you can go about incorporating it into your model or Dio.
You will hopefully get lots of good advice here and put it into practice when you do your builds. Your build looks great and you should be happy with it. Well done
Well firstly, everything is looking amazing so far, I am interested to see how some of these full interior builds go for definite, the sheer amount of parts in those boxes is a little intimidating!
Logan, for a first attempt, that crater looks good! I cant give you any pointers I’m afraid because I have never tried making one myself either, but as long as you are happy with it, that’s all that really matters at the end of the day!
The Valentine, umm… well progress has been made but not in all areas. Un fortunately, there are lots of very small parts on this kit, even without the full interior, and muggins here has managed to completely lose his tweezers.
anyway, progress pictures - yes there are some, they’re not brilliant, so any pointers for improving the picture quality would be much appreciated!
Drive sprockets going together, there was a pretty noticeable seam here which I had to sand down, which is not easy given that there are several grooves running right around the part, but I could just about get in with the edge of a thin sanding stick, the rest of the suspension unit assemblies went on with no problems
The upper hull part could be a problem, as you can probably see, it is quite warped, thankfully it is quite thin and the plastic is soft so it is easy enough to get back into shape, I’m just going to have to be very careful about fixing it down to the lower hull tub to make sure it doesn’t pull up at the corners, it is just dry fitted at the minute and I have not attached the transmission compartment hatches, but I have started work on the gun breach and mantlet, but I will have to paint the inside faces and make up some of the small details like the radio before I can go any further with the turret, for which a clumsy oaf like me is definitely going to need to find those tweezers!
Sorry its a bit long and rambly, I will try to make future posts a bit shorter!
My kit doesn’t have any pe, the engine deck is plastic so no reason to remove that panel.
Done with the turret minus the periscopes that I will add after painting. TC hatch is not glued in just in case I want to a figure later. According to the destructions one step left.
Looking nice! Did the antenna come with the kit or did you create it?
like these lighter tanks. Miniart has several versions of the T-60, but I do not yet want to go for an interior kit. So this one is on my wish list. Hobbyboss also announced a T-60 for this year so I am also waiting for their kit as it is without interior afaik.
That’s come together really well Ryan. Looks very nice. Decided on the tracks yet ?
Thanks, it is a kit part #75. It’s on a the new turret sprue.
That is good news about HB, might be easier to build with less frail parts and plastic.
Thanks. No, still waiting till after I cut them out and making one side. I have already lost two tracks, so thrown track is the easiest way to hide that problem.
hey, does anyone have any tips on the SS “Dot” camouflage? I try, and try, but i am still horrible.
Mike post some tips in here for painting camo. It’s a pain and practice, practice, practice.
There are two YouTube videos - one by Shane Smyth and another by CW modeling - that look good but I don’t think my hands are steady enough to do what they do…
Maybe it would be a useful learning on the softness of Mini-art kits? I have just about finished an SU-85 and I didn’t really notice the plastic being a lot softer. As I read people talk about it I may remember it seeming a little soft, but not noticeably so. Would be interesting to know if it is on older kits (as in manufactured a long time ago) or newer kits or something else?