Whilst a still from a clip, it shows to good effect the purpose of the recovery chain at the front of IDF AFV. And damage to the roof rack of the Doobi too.
Good picture of the standard chain in use, although in this case the Merkava doesn’t have the “horns” on the front, so the chain would have to be hooked to the D9 manually. As opposed to those vehicles equipped with the horns that allow the D9 to simply drop the ripper between the horns and pull the vehicle away without anyone having to get out of the vehicles and expose themselves.
Good weekend to catch up on some painting and detailing on the Nagmash APCs.
Using references from the IDF Armor Series Vol. 23 “ZELDA M113 In IDF Service -Part 3” literally hand painting the stripe on the back entry door on the vehicle. Not perfect, but good enough for me. Plus adding more flat red details all over the vehicle.
What I need is a ready made scale cargo net for ny Namer, otherwise it’ll just have to go without. Anyone know of a product I could use?
Looks good cause most of our markings are sponge applied so yeah good job
AFV CLUB has different nets for sale
This is interesting. From above. Is this a HEMTT version of MLRS launcher, a larger HIMARS? Or is it some type of reload/resupply vehicle? There looks to be two standard M270 MLRS launchers behind it.
I Googled: IDF MLRS
aaaand I had to ask Google
Hmm, ok, new HIMARS-style HEMTT. My memory is getting bad. I even replied a couple times in the old thread you referenced.
You and me both …
So many new and interesting things popping up all the time so it gets close to impossible to keep track of everything.
Sometimes there is a news post and I think ‘Ohh! COOL!’ and just before I reply I notice that I did indeed reply a few months back …
New kid on the block : the Be’eri
Looks like the IDF version of the Flyer 72 ALSV
As previously mentioned, Lahav. You can also find more info if you look for
“Elbit Systems PULS (Precise & Universal Launching System) MLRS”