Modelling armour in Ukraine crisis

It’s a Dutch-supplied YPR-765. Caption says it may be recovered and repaired by the Ukrainians (who shot the video).


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I was asking about the name on the side of the disabled track. If I’m not mistaken, the Cyrillic letters say “Kraken”.

It’s “Kraken” indeed. The Kraken Regiment is a Ukrainian military volunteer unit formed on 24 February 2022



M1078 FMTV with the Cheshire Cat smile from “Alice In Wonderland”. Cool modeling idea right here.


First GW, a company of Marine M1’s (B Co 4th Tanks) woke up one morning and kicked the snot of a Iraq Armor Division using Russian equipment. Sorta sounds like the same story to me.

What’s the scoop on this little bucket machine?

Please forgive the bad pun….


Logistics will win the war not M1s. The logistics of supplying M1s would be many times more difficult than supplying things like artillery and drones. Let alone the costs.
Come winter the M1s would bog down while shells and drones fly above the snow.

But hey what would I know? I’m just a humble model maker. Maybe we can get Putin to have a vote on who will win the war. Sorry, special operation, The vote maybe be rigged but that wont matter.


Well … is not possible the rumors from the Russian side of M1 at the front they are nothing more than “Tiger syndrome”?..the terror of finding an M1 in front of you, the panic and confusion of a retreat, the difficulty in accepting that a "minor army " with the same tanks are able to do what you weren’t.

It is possible that many tankers have in mind the images of Saddam’s T72 etc …burning with M1s cruising along side , even if in reality most of them have been hit by other weapons the psychological effect is not to be underestimated

my 2 cents


To quote General Omar Bradley “Amateurs talk strategy. Professionals talk logistics.” Enough said, really.


Logistics are the ball and chain of armored warfare.

Heinz Guderian

  1. I am sure in the Western media you can find a lot of true stories about Ukrainian victories.
    Russia's 'world-beating' £74m fighter jet shot down by Ukrainian pensioner | World | News |

But all these victories take place on Ukrainian territory

  1. The United States will never send its modern tanks into battle with Russian modern tanks. Have you noticed that even you have lost the mention of Javelins and Bayraktars?
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Most likely fake news generated by Ruscist bots acting on behalf of the Kremlin who are desperate to convince anyone who’ll listen that NATO forces are actively engaged in Ukraine.

Not even a good try Vlad.



Digging deep there… Dad jokes never get old…


Guys dont overestimate the “logistical” issues. Its 2022, not 1941. You can check with your mobile in literally minutrs if your spares are available and where they are. The ration of civilian trucks to tanks is what ? 1000 to 1 ? This is not some paper pushing german supply seargent afraid that a pair of missing boots is going to be deducted from his pay. Its the age of Amazon. You can learn to drive a tank from Youtube

Unless Amazon starts using drones large enough to deliver tank parts to the battlefield (thus flying over mud, and eventually ice and snow) the logistics nightmare will not go away.
I acted as a 57A a few years ago and wrote an entire logistics based scenario for a huge logistical exercise in the US called Big LOTS. (Logistics Over The Shore) Amazon did not save the poor saps in that unit, and I was somewhat kind to them. Even offered them the support of the local organized crime syndicate.

And the hapless Ruscists need to learn to stay off their mobiles. Otherwise drones WILL be dropping things on them, and it won’t be the tank parts they desperately need…


Ahh, nooo the Ruscists are done anyway, I meant the Team Yellow. But there is also a thing called priority, if you say M1 is prio 1 and have a coupple of trucks on standby… I worked in an industry where we would guarantee a fix or replacement within 48 hours of machines 100 times more complex than an M1.

Okay, so it sounds like if it’s a small unit like my friend said that it might be plausible? I’m going to stop posting about this because it seems to have upset some people and that was not my goal. Strictly from a modeling standpoint I thought it would be interesting to see photos of M1s with Ukrainian markings slapped on over the USMC markings.