Modelling armour in Ukraine crisis

The M1 is a thirsty hog. If Team Green has had issues getting it right having them for awhile now, it’s expected Team Yellow would have some hiccups as well.

Yes, you can learn to drive M1 on YouTube as you say. Heck I can and have driven one around the tank ramp area but that is not the same as fighting with tank and keeping her together so both crew and tank get home.

I don’t know why you guys are continuing this dicussion.

Our deluded Russisct member said, “The United States will never send its modern tanks into battle with Russian modern tanks” - well, he’s right but for the wrong reasons. History has shown us that in every single engagement where Western Forces have encountered and engaged equipment manufactured by the Soviet Union/Russia since - well, forever, that their equipment was comprehensively, and one-sidedly destroyed. The only possible exception was maybe the T72 when it first appeared, and that was quickly countered.

So, the real reason is that you don’t have to field such superior equipment against such a poorly manned, led and equipped force, is because that force would be anhilated.

The status quo is fine. A stalemate in Eastern/Southern Ukraine, with the Russicsts feeding ever more men and material into a futile mincing machine, whilst meanwhile, sanctions begin to bite (despite every denial that they are taking effect) dissent grows amongst ordinary Russians and the Russian Governmant becomes ever more untenable.

Frankly, the longer this goes on for, the better.


You should still keep posting about it as I do find it interesting but I am not sold on it being legit but I have been wrong before.

I do question Marine markings part, typically we are spartan with markings, only USMC and vehicle serial number. Everything else is optional and mission oriented. Not all tanks have names or mission tactical markings. Unlike Army tanks that have a lot more standard markings. As I recall a few years ago with the training in Poland there was only the basic markings for the whole platoon of Marine M1’s.


Trying to keep this thread on topic…

The Peugeot 307 is back



If you only knew how much I have to try not to get off topic!

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i work in logistics and i agree with @18bravo Amazon isn’t going to save the day, take into account that international shipping is struggling to supply the USA with consumer items.
learning to drive watching youtube doesn’t teach you about weight and dimensions of a vehicle regardless if it’s a car or a tank which is why you have to undergo professional training for both and even then you are still learning once you have passed the test.
logistics is a problem for every army, look at the Russians in Ukraine and it’s 40 mile tailback.

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A convenient excuse to justify open war on NATO and the US. He doesn’t want to lose face in front of the Russian people. He’s stated in the past that he will use ALL available options to him to protect Russian sovereignty. That’s why he’s quickly trying to annex Crimea and the Donbas into Russia; so that he can justify further war upon any country that he deems a threat to Russian sovereignty.


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Yeah. Crimea is already a part of Russia. My info is outdated by 8 years. :frowning:

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The belt on the GPMG, is upside down and the other photos before on the 206 also,



First we need a good kit of a LTAS equipped FMTV. And when I say a good kit, I DON´T mean the Trumpeter ones.

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I’m hoping everyone on this thread is writing to their favorite kit manufacturer begging for some new kits. My vote goes a 1/35 Bushmaster. But then I’m biased.

So how about a list of what isn’t available and what can’t be cobbled together from an existing kit? Maybe, just maybe, they read these threads.

1/ Bushmaster.
2/ ?


that’s a good idea but i doubt any kit manufacturers are going to wade through almost six thousand posts on this thread, nevermind similar posts on other sites.

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I dont expect them to but i thought it would be an interesting exercise.

2/ 2m6 tunguska from meng

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I’d love to see Meng update their BMPT Terminator model to the newer version.


Top picture is photoshopped Z not from the current conflict