The M2 OG Bradley

Are the metal and plastic ones the same dimensions ?

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A little more progress today. Working on small details on upper hulls and three interiors, using the footman loops. Also, Jacque’s fire suppression system unit intended for the M2A2 works brilliantly on the OG M2. It should become a standard component of any Bradley build. I"ll be adding one to every Bradley that I can. The shape is superior to the Meng unit and the sheet metal housing is much closer to scale thickness.

The floor on one of the interiors. Note use of footman loops again. This is probab;y the most versatile accessory to come along in quite some time.


The racks on the kit are incorrect. There are no vertical supports at the corners as on the kit part:

In fact the racks are hinged at the bottom, and are supported at the top by two posts which engage square protrusions on the rack and are held closed by pins:

I did the best I could given my current situation:


Those swim barrier brackets ( I believe that’s what they are) would be a perfect candidate for 3D printing.


They would. That’s why I’ve been putting them off. As Jacques has liked your comment maybe there’s hope!

Maybe a bump stop for the loader’s hatch too.

If you start the day with something tedious, the rest of the day is gravy.


Plastic cans/boxes where designed to fit under the floorplates of the rear fighting compartment.


Excellent work Robert

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Which looks great!


I only have the dimensions of the metal ones, but in side by side photos they look at be the same as the plastic. Both hold thirty rounds. As I said in another thread, the Djiti boxes, both metal and plastic, are just plain wrong. Noticeably so.

That is true. But now that space is taken up by three fifty round hot boxes - a much better use of the space as the rounds go into the boxes already linked together. This shot from a BFIST interior shows that the hot boxes actually go under there in their soft cases.


I plan to do the soft cases separately from Milliput. If you don’t know this thread, you may find it interesting:


Lots of great attention to detail being put into this … Time well spent and it’s looking great so far :beers:


With the photo cropped the way it is I’m not sure what I’m seeing, are there lifting eyes on the ends of these soft cases ?

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Plastic ones are 5.66 x 13.375 x 14.375


Per request…


I’m really not quite done with this, gonna eventually add stowage. I have also repaired and repainted the damage to the bustle rack. I also repainted the crew and added antennas.


One more, this was built decades ago and repainted this summer, this is pre decal and weathering. Some of the scratch detail is a tad off. I’ll get a couple pics of it with decals later this week.


Fantastic work. You caught the incorrect stowage bin as well. But your in progress photos don’t show the welds you put on the corners of the side skirts. Other than myself, I’ve not seen anyone else do that. Little details like that really set your build off. Legend wheels?

I’d have to look, but that’s pretty close to the metal ones. I do remember the metal ones are .75 inch higher than the are long, so the dimensions cannot be exactly the same as the difference in the plastic boxes’ height and length is one inch, Either way, very close. Thanks for posting.


What does OG mean?

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Original Gangster (1st Production Version) :sunglasses::+1:


Rob it’s a good thing you’ve got several of these on the go, because with all of the detail pieces you are scratching, you’re never going to fit all of that sh!t in one track.

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