Vietnam 60

Round tip Stephen. Nice point on the end. I found myself rolling/turning the marker in my hand after a stroke or two to keep the tip “straight.”



Thanks for the review on the markers. Mine came in a couple days ago but I haven’t had a chance to try them out. Good to know they seem to work.

Happy Modeling,


I painted the tires earlier this morning, and of course the Rubber Black I used is different than the AK marker. The little bit of the marker paint that shows will probably be covered up by the weathering.

I also broke on the pins on the axle, so out comes the styrene rod. I’m keeping it out as I expect to break another when I do the second set.

If you ever build this kit, build the axle, wheel inner hub, and bottom linkage FIRST before adding the frame. It’ll save some scratch work.



It’s always fun to assemble things then realize you glued something on backwards, annnnnd, you can’t take it apart. I should have realized when something didn’t fit and actually made no sense, that I had it on wrong. But nooooooo, I just cut the piece off. Bonehead. Now I have to figure out how to attach the part I cut off to the wrong end. :thinking: :hot_face: :nauseated_face: :astonished: :rage: :face_with_symbols_over_mouth: (yeah, that’s enough emojis)



For now I’m watching you, but I’ll definitely join with something. Right now I have two builds started - an M548 gun truck and a V100, USAF version (you can see it here: Project Commando - 1:35 Cadillac Gage V-100/M706).
I’ve already built a Tamiya M41 in ARVN colours, I’ll post it here as an inspiration:
1:35 Tamiya M41 Walker Bulldog by Pawel

Good luck with your builds and have a nice day



I’ll be watching as well. I’m in way too many campaigns. I’d love to do Takom’s M114A1 or maybe AFV Club’s M42 Duster.

Here is what I have gotten done today.
I know I am going to jinx the whole build, but I will say this is one of the best kits I have assembled. I would recommend this kit to a newbie or an old hand. Just make sure you clean up where you trim from the sprue and you are good to go. No putty is needed. Caution, this is the first kit I have had to drill out many holes of 3 different sizes in the turret and you need to be precise or you will need putty to fix your boo boo.


This is my favorite “tank” of all time, can’t wait to see how you finish yours. I’m glad to hear it’s not a complicated build, as soon as I get my bench cleared of the project I’m on I’ll be jumping in with the M67, I hope it’s a straightforward assembly, the current build is bringing me down man :weary:

Cajun :crocodile:


I will be making a vignette titled “Thousand Yard Stare” featuring some Bravo 6 figure conversions depicting survivors of the fight surveying the damage and destruction after the battle. This is what I have done so far this past weekend. The box in the back is just a place marker that will actually be either a portion of a M113 or a sandbag fighting position depending on whether I can pull off the flechettes from a beehive round or not. The body parts are not meant to be dismembered parts but to give the impression of more bodies.

The scene will depict the aftermath of the Ap Bau Bang 2 battle during Operation Junction City where elements of 3/5 CAV of the 9th Infantry Division were attacked while protecting an FSB. During the fight, VC swarmed several ACAVs and they were “dusted” off the tracks by beehive rounds. This is what a M113 looks like when struck by flechette rounds.

If I can’t pull off that effect, then the scene will depict another action where elements of the 9th Infantry Division experienced himan wave assaults at a FSB or NDP.


I built the Dragon version from the figure set - sand the figures. Added some 106mm ammo tubes, a .50 cal ammo can and an M16A1 next to the driver’s seat and a map case from the M2 Bradley behind the seat to fill the void there.

I think it came out alright. :blush:


Yikes! Flechette ammo. A bit too close for comfort. I think that came off the barrel of an M48 Patton, or from 105mm artillery overhead fire. Beehive rounds are nasty.


Okay. Looks like a good way to paint those pesky return rollers on tanks, same with rubber mud flaps or those little covers on the smoke launchers.


@ James (ReconTL6)
I think you’re really onto capturing the effect as mentioned. Looking forward to seeing more of your creativity!

—mike :hammer_and_wrench:


The darker side of me can imagine a bad guy pinned to the side of the M113.


With the vignette entitled with a suitable Schwarzenegger one liner?

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Schwarzenegger quote “Ya, we nailed em” :sunglasses:


I’ve got one word for this work in progress…WOW! This has the makings of a very powerful piece of art, there’s no other way to describe it. Trying to capture the look and feel of a couple of guys after a nasty firefight won’t be easy but you sure look to be on the right track (no pun intended). I hope when finished it will make viewers stop and think for a moment, might even make some uncomfortable….GOOD! Never heard anyone in my unit say “I love the smell of napalm…” after contact with VC/NVA, “holy s**t, am I still alive?” Was a more common comment. Nice work!


Regarding the flechettes in the side of the APC - one word: Jeeeeezzzus!!!



Yeah, that’s what I thought looking at that picture, too!


Wheels were added and glued in the turned position. The last of the pieces are getting cleaned up and ready for primer.

The seat on a 1:1 Mule does not have an open back, so out came the thing styrene sheet. It’ll get cut down to size once the glue is cured.

The instructions call for TWO mufflers, but all the pictures I’ve seen show only one(?). I’ll need to add a “correct” tail pipe to the muffler as the kit one was only a nub. :roll_eyes:
