What the postman brought today (Armorama)

Me too and I’m already impressed.

If you haven’t already, first just take a moment to marvel at that box. It’s probably the nicest packaging I’ve ever had a kit come in.

Second, pull out ye olde manual. The first half of the thing is just history on the vehicle! Or at least the one for the MG carrier is.

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As a judge, I would not hold that many faults of a kit against the modeler. One could only hope the aftermarket would provide a corrective alternative.


Honestly Phil looking at my Campaign list and my queue, this kit is somewhere toward the end of 2022 for a build date.

I see exactly what you mean Robin. Thank you for this.

Somehow flat images allows the modellers brain to see mistakes/omissions that we don’t see when we have the 3D-object in front of us.

Maybe the 2D-photo somehow prevents us from seeing our mental image of the object. I heard about some graphics artist who checks his/her work by viewing them upside down (standing the images on their head sort of), The artist said that the upside down view allows the brain to look for blemishes instead of interpreting the coloured surfaces as a face/car/train/whatever object it shows.

Edit: Wow, this is embarrassing.
I thought I responded to a reply to a post I made in another topic:

The comments above about photos and their usefulness when checking for assembly or finishing mistakes isn’t totally off the mark here but they make a lot more sense in the other topic


I know exactly what you mean. My first impression is that it comes in a presentation box. Like the company is proud of the kit and have packaged it accordingly. Then the book. Not a sheet, a book. History, photographs, followed by the clearest instructions I have ever seen. Just remarkable. The whole contents are beautiful.

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Stopped by the hobby shop for the club build night.

The weathering sets was @AussieReg fault cause in the commercial trucking gb he did this

The paint was for resin Old Fisherman figure

Miniart kit was cause I have a plastic problem and couldn’t say no. :man_shrugging:


Just a small addition for the diorama I have planned after I finish my current build. Need practice with figure painting in any case.


An unexpected delivery!

Ordered from China on eBay, estimated delivery was mid September to early November. Built this kit like 6-7 years ago soon after I started modeling, but couldn’t do it justice once I got to painting. Time for redemption. And plus, the stash just needed some more American equipment in it.


Arrived today.

And first impressions from having a sneak look in the box are very good. Details look nice and there is a lot of parts.

Looks nice and a bit simpler to put together than the Stryker.

Have also ordered a batch of AK real colour paints but they haven’t arrived yet.


Spotted and acquired at my LHS. It will be part of the load on a Das Werk Faun with trailer…


Came by courier…slowly building up the AK paint shop .


I tried this line on my wifey once

Her response - Would you prefer to sleep in the car :dizzy_face:

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Funny, my Pantsir arrived yesterday, too! So I’ve joined the S-1 Pantsir club that seems to be forming here. The rest of the aftermarket also arrived for this planned mega-build. Here is everything laid out. The Zvevda kit, Miniarm wheels, Quinta Studios 3D decals, and 4, count 'em 4, Microdesign PE sets for this monster. Remarkably, I got everything here for $150! This mega-build is slated for winter of 2023. It’s going to take me that long, I have to plan it that far out and for a long winter build. The kit alone has 677 parts, then about 350 PE parts and we’re over 1000 parts, with no track links! This one is going to take a LOT of hard work and dedication! Look for the blog January 2023. This whole bundle was my birthday present to myself. Turning 58 on Thursday.


It was my birthday on the 28th so that was a pressie to me as well … Have you looked in the box yet Matt ? It’s pretty impressive to say the least. You have a nice bit of PE there… Were they individual sets or all as one ? I think I’m going to do mine for the 8 wheeler group build… I actually want to start it now but will have to control the urge lol


Hi John,
Yes, our birthdays are very close together, I will have to come across the pond some time soon so we can celebrate together. :beer: I did open the box and bags. It is a very impressive kit. So comprehensive. SO well molded! Everything is included! Engine, transmission, brake cylinders, everything, all you have to add if you’re so inclined are the lines. Those are 4 separate PE sets. The main one was $27 and the smaller 3 were $10 each. Since you are building the Pantsir, and I don’t blame you, it’s a beautiful kit, I am doing the Trumpeter MAZ firetruck for the 8 Wheeler Campaign. It will be later in the year though, as I’m suffering from bad timing. This KET-T is about 20% done and is already sapping my mojo.


:pensive: please press on, it was looking lovely.


Ryan, oh I’m not giving up! I just had to step back from it for a day or two! A museum trip with my model club buddies cleared my brain and I’m ready to get back at it! Thank you for the compliment.


Today the postman finally brought the tires printed by Mr. Eelke Warrink for my Windwagen build:

  • on the right are the 2 Michelin tires for the rear axle,
  • on the left- both India Super Traction tires for the front.

Quality is simply superb!

2 weeks ago I added 2 more kits for my stash:

The Hobby Boss/ Tristar “Mid Version Sd.Kfz.222”:

will be built as the Light Armored Recce Car Horch M.222 in the coming Bulgarian WWII Campaign.

While Bronco’s Early ZIL-131 truck:

will one day tow some Cold War artillery piece.



those wheels and tyres do look great. Is there much banding from the 3d printing process?